Tips on Creating an Efficient Business Environment

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Efficiency is the name of the game for small and large businesses alike. If you’re aiming to get the most out of your office hours, make sure your workplace is designed for maximum efficiency. While increased efficiency in the workplace is often elusive, it is achievable with the right strategy. We’ve compiled this list of tips and tricks to help you transform your office’s efficiency. Use the following tips to boost your team’s productivity:

1. Update Your Technology
A guaranteed way to take your workplace’s efficiency to the next level is to update your tech. Many offices are used to using older systems and devices to avoid spending money on upgrades. While older technology may still work to some degree, these devices typically pale in comparison to their recently released counterparts. Make sure your team has all the necessary tools to get the job done as quickly as possible. In your efforts to update your tech, remember to stay up-to-date with your antivirus software and make sure that you’re running it daily to keep viruses from sneaking into your network. This way, you’ll make sure your tech is protected, allowing it to remain in good condition for a long time.

2. Outsource Monthly Tasks
Another way to create an efficient work environment is to outsource monthly tasks. Outsourcing tasks like newsletter management services can significantly improve your workflow by saving time, reducing staff workloads, and lowering overall costs. With these benefits in mind, it’s clear to see that outsourcing will benefit your company and improve your team’s efficiency. This, along with other tasks, can be easily completed through outsourcing so make sure you are taking advantage of these opportunities and services.

3. Identify Time Wasters
In your search for increased workplace efficiency, make it a point to rid the office of time wasters. Identifying time wasters may not be as easy as it sounds, but it will become easier as you determine your team’s strengths and weaknesses. Common time wasters in the workplace include responding to and reading emails, answering and making unnecessary phone calls, and holding multiple meetings a day. Eliminate these time-wasters by identifying where and how you can give your employees more time to get work done. For example, minimize time spent reading emails and making phone calls by inviting your staff to use software like Slack or Asana to communicate. Similarly, cut your meetings to once a week or less to avoid wasting any time.

4. Offer Remote Work
For many people, being able to telecommute is key. From checking emails in peace to getting work done at home while visiting family or friends, remote work can be a lifesaver for those who are forced to travel for work. With that said, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to how much time should be spent working remotely and how often. Work with your team to find the ideal remote work set up to encourage a better work/life balance and improved productivity both inside and outside of the office.

5. Set In-Office Boundaries
Another way to boost productivity in the office is to incorporate boundaries on what activities are permitted and prohibited in the work environment. An important prohibitive boundary is to block employees from accessing social media sites like Facebook and Instagram during work hours. This way, they’ll have fewer distractions to pull them away from working as efficiently as possible. Another boundary to consider is to allow workers to set their work hours. Encouraging your employees to organize their days as they see fit is a great way to establish trust with your workers while giving them the freedom to work whenever they feel they are most productive. While some of your team may want to get an early start on their projects, others may be more productive working as night owls. The key to getting these boundaries to work is to practice constant communication with your employees about expectations for time management. Remember that setting limits isn’t necessarily negative, it’s all about balancing both sides of work/life so all parties receive what they need without feeling frustrated or burnt out.

Make sure your team is always inspired to work as effectively and efficiently as possible. Use this guide to transform your workspace and encourage your team to keep working hard.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.