10 Step Guide to Plan Your House Remodel

Whether you’re simply installing new flooring in your bathroom or adding an extension to your home, you need to have a plan in place before you begin a house remodel. A well-done home renovation may look great once the work is done, but there are simply too many factors to consider for you just to wing it. If you want to make sure that your remodel goes smoothly, follow these ten steps.

1. Have a Definite Goal in Mind

Before you do anything else, you need to have a clear end goal in mind for your remodel. You need to have a good idea of what your “new” home will look like, and you need to know why you’re making renovations to your house.


Is your goal to make your home more comfortable as you live in it for the next several years, or are you trying to increase the value of your home with a new addition. You need to consider all of these, even if you’re only installing new bifold closet doors to your master bedroom.

2. Stick to Your Budget

You should always have a budget in mind when you begin any home remodel. In many ways, it is what indeed dictates what is done during the project. This might mean scaling down the scope of your remodel if your ultimate master plan is just too expensive, but it’s better than breaking the bank and leaving your project unfinished.


Your budget should cover your building supplies, equipment, and payment for any contractors you might hire. Calculate everything you’ll need, double-check it, write it down, and don’t deviate from it unless it’s necessary to do so.

3. Know Your Limits

No matter how handy you might be around the house, there is bound to be something that is beyond your skills. When you do find something, don’t assume that you can figure things out on your own. You’ll need professional contractors to handle at least some of your projects, so make sure you have enough in your budget to cover them.

4. Do Plenty of Research

Speaking of contractors, you should always do your homework when you need to hire them. Ask for referrals from friends and family members who have had renovations done on their homes and thoroughly interview any potential contractors. Any reputable contractor will be forthcoming with information such as the licenses and insurance policies they carry. If a contractor is not, move on to someone else.

5. Get Everything in Writing

When you hire a contractor, make sure that you plan for what they’re going to do in writing. This plan should include all the work that needs to be done, the material used, and the estimated cost of the finished project.

6. De-Clutter Your Home

This shouldn’t come as any surprise, but it’s tough to renovate a cluttered home. Before any work begins, pack up anything you won’t be needing right away, and move furniture and appliances away from the work area. It will make the whole process go much more smoothly.

7. Keep Children and Pets Safe

A home renovation can be difficult for pets and very young children. They might not understand what is going on or that what is happening can be very dangerous. Close off the work area with a baby gate if you have toddlers, and contact someone who can pet-sit if you can’t keep your dogs or cats out of the work area.

8. Expect Outages

An extensive home renovation may require you to shut off your electricity, heat, or water. Be ready for this and plan your regular daily activities around them. That might mean going elsewhere to bathe or eat your meals, or it might simply mean doing these things when the work isn’t being done. In any case, an outage should never take you by surprise during a home remodel.

9. Establish a Work-Free Zone

Unless you’re having your entire home renovated from top to bottom, there will be areas that will be untouched. Establish these areas as work-free zones where life can more or less proceed as usual. This is especially important if you have small children who might not handle disruption well.

10. Account for Clean-Up

Home remodels messy. They leave sawdust, bits of drywall, and the odd nail or screw lying everywhere. Since you obviously cannot live in this kind of environment, factor some clean-up time into your renovation schedule. You shouldn’t consider the renovation to be complete until everything is clean.


A home can be a wonderful thing, but such a large project requires a plan to be in place. Consider these steps if you plan to renovate your home in the future if you want everything to go according to your plan.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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