4 Tips for Downsizing from a House to an Apartment

Downsizing from a house to an apartment can be a daunting task. If you are thinking about downsizing or you are preparing to downsize, you may be wondering the best way to do it. Throwing away your favorite items isn’t always the answer, though. Here are some helpful tips you can use to make your move easier.

Think About Your Needs

Before even considering a move, you should think about the needs you have. It is a good idea to take an objective look at your lifestyle. If you find that downsizing will truly suit you, begin taking stock of the things you don’t really need.

After you have done that, make a mental calculation of how much stuff you have and how much room you’ll need to live comfortably in with all of your stuff. Doing this will then help you to figure out how much square feet you’d need, which will help you when it comes to the apartment search process. After all, you do not want to end up in a place that is way too small and too crowded with everything you need.

Use the Pile Method

Before starting to pack for your move, use the pile method. Separate everything you own into piles. Make a pile of things you plan to keep, things you can donate and things that you can throw away. Old magazines, birthday cards and ancient electronic cables definitely qualify as trash! Go back through the keep piles a second time to determine if you really need the things you have in them.

During this process, people often like to hold onto the little things because they think that they’ll use them eventually or the item has some sort of emotional significance. Because of this, remember two things.

  1. If you haven’t used the item in the last year, get rid of it.
  2. If everything is significant, then nothing truly is.

As you go about determining whether or not to keep certain items, just think about those two points so that you’ll know what’s worth keeping around.

Invest in a Storage Unit

Storage units are a great way to keep your stuff without sacrificing valuable space. Many storage units may even cost less than your monthly coffee habit. The best ones are climate controlled storage units so you don’t have to worry about whether high heat or humidity is going to affect your belongings. Storage units are a great option if the move is only temporary or if you want to keep things that just won’t fit.

Trade Things

Consider trading some of your things for smaller or more efficient versions. If you have a four-poster king bed that you know won’t fit in your apartment, consider selling it and using that money to purchase a smaller bed that includes storage underneath. There are always ways you can trade items that are single-use for multi-functional items. Finding furniture that saves space and does more than one job is one of the top tips for apartment-dwellers!

Whether the idea of moving to an apartment is a new idea or one you have been considering for a long time, finding the best way to downsize can help you. It is always a good idea to think about the things you don’t need in life. In fact, many people are happier when they are living a minimalist lifestyle. Downsizing can lead to that type of lifestyle for you.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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