Sweet Ride: 4 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Family Car

When you need a new car, it’s time to sit down and give some careful thought to how the vehicle will be used, who will be driving it, and what kind of road conditions you are likely to encounter. These factors will help you to narrow down some of the wide range of vehicle choices that are available today. If the car is primarily a family vehicle, rather than one used for personal use to only commute back and forth from work, you should consider a number of features that focus on the occupants comfort, safety, and utility. Here are some points to consider for your family car.

Safety Features

Childproof locks, airbag with deactivation features, adequate headrests, anti-lock brakes and traction control can be important features for the safety of your family and should be taken into account when looking for a new family car. There are different types of safety features that are more useful depending on your climate. For example, traction control can be helpful if you live in an area that experiences snow or heavy rain. A rear-view camera is vital for avoiding dangerous situations with small children. Lane-control and anti-collision devices are also great features to consider for your family car. Each feature will add to the car’s overall price, but the safety and well-being of your family is worth it.


Many families choose an SUV-size vehicle, often one that offers convertible seating, to accommodate additional friends and family members. If your family camps or carries special equipment, you may want to consider a mini-van or full-size van. If you are family that is just starting out, with only one child at present, a smaller-sized vehicle that easily fits a baby or child seat will be sufficient. Some families must accommodate older family members that may have difficulty getting into taller vehicles. These considerations will influence what size vehicle is best for your needs.


Cost is another important consideration in which you should consult your family budget. Financing options allow you to extend the payment for your vehicle to up to seven years. However, the overall cost of the vehicle will still affect the size of your monthly payment and should be carefully fit into your budgeting. SUV models are very popular, and the prices reflect the high demand for these vehicles. Full-size vans can be quite economical. Five to six-passenger sedans vary in cost, from the low-end of $16,000 to a high-end of up to $35,000 or even more. Reach out to your credit union or financial institution for more information about auto loans.

Fuel Efficiency

Many families are also concerned with fuel efficiency that can affect the family budget. Generally, larger vehicles are less fuel-efficient, but this is not always the case. If the price of fuel is a concern for your household budget, take a close look at miles-per-gallon information that is provided. You may also want to check these numbers against information on the Internet to ensure accuracy.

The excitement of purchasing a new car often gives way to more practical concerns. Today’s vehicles offer many sizes and models to suit your particular needs. If you take the time to make a list of your requirements, you will be able to keep these priorities in mind as you shop. These four tips can provide the most essential features for your vehicle search.

Emma Sturgis

Emma is a freelance writer based out of Boston, MA. When not writing, she enjoys reading and rock climbing.

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