Important Health Facts About Raising Kids

While raising healthy kids may seem pretty easy, parents have to compete against any form of unhealthy temptations. An hour of physical activity and proper nutrition a day can protect a kid from chronic disease such as diabetes and obesity later in life. Research has shown that the environment is one of the factors that support unhealthy habits among children. However, the following healthy eating rules including staying involved, keeping it simple, and making it a family affair can go a long way to promote a healthy lifestyle. Parents can also influence the behaviors of their kids and buy them a Le-Vel Thrive lifestyle plan to help improve their health. Below are ways parents can make proper nutrition and physical activity part of their kids’ everyday life.


Vaccinate on Time

A kid can get up to 24 vaccinations at the age of two years. These shots often make some parents get tempted to delay certain vaccines. Parents could be tempted to postpone their child’s HPV vaccine when they’re too busy scheduling for other vaccinations. However, parents should note that vaccinating a child on time give them the much-needed immunization and protection against chronic conditions. Delays won’t guarantee any effectiveness, and deviating from the schedule will contribute to more side effects. For example, research has shown that late measles vaccines can cause a febrile seizure.


Use Sunscreen all the Time

Exposure to the sun during childhood can be risky, as it can wreak havoc on the skin of a kid. The earlier a child’s skin gets damaged, the higher the chances of developing skin cancer later in life. The body of a child has a thinner protective layer than that of an adult, so their skin is sensitive to the harmful effects of sun rays. However, parents can use sunscreen any time a child over six months is exposed to the sun. Children below six months should be kept out of direct sunlight to avoid skin damages. Besides sunscreen, parents can use protective clothes that minimize their kid’s exposure to the sun, UV-protective sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect them from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


Enforce a Regular Bedtime Schedule as Early as from Toddlerhood

Parents often delay their kids’ bedtime to spend more time with them. Lack of enough sleep can make a child hyperactive, and this may affect their school performance. Sleep deprivation in children may also make them overweight or obese and impact the hormone leptin, which controls their eating habit. As such, parents should make their kids get to bed early to improve their health. Fortunately, most of these behavior consequences of sleep deprivation in kids are reversible at any age once a child switches to the appropriate bedtime schedule.


Teach Hand-Washing

Research has shown that kid’s hands are the leading source for spreading infection. Parents may blame dirty shoes, sneezing kids, and pets, but they aren’t the real cause of allergies. Children transfer germs with their hands when they touch their nose, mouth, and eye. Kids touch their face as often as 50 times in an hour, so teaching them to wash their hands frequently can reduce infection.



Even mild tooth decay can interrupt sleep, and cause poor eating and pain among children. Fortunately, brushing with fluoride can help protect the teeth of a child. Fluoride is the one that makes the protective enamel on the teeth of children stronger than before. So, parents should use fluoride toothpaste to brush their kid’s teeth as soon as they grow. The best way to raise healthy kids is to be a role model for them. Of course, parents can’t expect to drink juice at dinner and expect their kids to drink porridge or milk. The same applies to exercises in the evening and keeping mobile phones away at bedtime.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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