Trendy, New Kitchen Appliances to Consider for Your Home

The kitchen is one of the most visible, visited, and frequently used places in the typical home. So, it’s only natural to focus on this particular room when considering some improvements. In fact, even minor kitchen updates can have a return on investment greater than 90 percent. If you need some help narrowing down your options with new kitchen appliances, here are some of the more trendy and innovative ones.


French Door Ovens


If you have limited space in your kitchen, make the most of what you have to work with a French door oven. These ovens are unique in that you don’t have to worry about making room to fold down an oven door. Newer models have Bluetooth capabilities so you can do things like remotely preheat your oven while you’re on the way home. This way you can start dinner right away when you physically get into your kitchen.


Induction Cooktops/Ranges with Touch-and-Swipe Controls


If you’re new to induction cooking, it’s a method of heating that’s done with an electromagnetic field. Because there is no visible sign that heat is being produced, virtual flames and other visual cues are used for safety reasons. The controls on induction cooktops and ranges work by simply dragging your finger along the arc to adjust settings for each cooking zone.


Countertop Beer Brewing Machines


Alright, this particular appliance isn’t exactly a kitchen essential, but it can be smart investment if you’re into creating customized brews. Newer models allow you to track data for each brewing session, but you’ll need a separate keg to let your brew chill for a few weeks. And if you do invest in novelty items like this, you may want to consider appliance insurance in case unexpected damage occurs. Such coverage typically extends to all household appliances, both traditional and high-tech ones.


Storage Zone Fridges


In the past, the main compartments on a refrigerator typically included a crisper or two. Newer fridges are equipped with specialized storage zones designed to keep things fresh and prevent odors from transferring to other foods. One popular model has separate storage areas for everything from fruits and veggies to boxed pizza. Others zone fridges have special temperature-controlled drawers that can be used to thaw meats taken out of the freezer.


Sous Vide Machine


Cooking “sous vide” means you take vacuum sealed food and place it in a water bath at a very specific temperature. There are several ways to go about setting up this particular cooking style. One way is to use immersion circulators, although you won’t get a built-in water bath. If you want everything you’ll need at your fingertips, consider adding a sous vide machine to your assortment of kitchen appliances.


Smart Appliances and Gadgets


Rounding out the list of trendy, new kitchen appliances is a general round-up of some of the smart appliances available for your consideration. For baking and mixing drinks, there are smart beverage mixers with connected scales so you’ll have the right proportions for your ingredients. Bluetooth-connected thermometers allow you to track the temperature of different dishes without having to constantly watch the stove. You’ll be instantly alerted when the desired temperature is reached. Some other trendy smart kitchen appliances and gadgets include:


  • Intelligent ovens that use a camera to identify food and set the correct temperature and cooking time
  • Connected air fryers that use heated, circulating air
  • Precision Wi-Fi cookers that cook food perfectly every time
  • Larger “hub fridges” designed to serve as a communication center for your home with touchscreens and even cameras that produce an inside view so you can see what you need to stock up on


Another reason to consider investing in new kitchen appliances like the ones discussed here is increased energy efficiency. Replacing some of your older, inefficient appliances with something newer could add up to noticeable savings. An old freezer, for example, may cost you $40 more a year than a newer Energy Star model. Plus, there’s the convenience factor. If you regularly use your kitchen, you’ll definitely appreciate being able to keep an eye on certain things remotely with your phone — an increasingly common option with trendy, new kitchen appliances.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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