How to Save on Your Next Home Improvement Project

Regardless of if your budget is big or small, it’s easy for the expense of a home improvement project to get out of control. However, there are a few tips that can help you manage your budget without compromising the quality of your project.

Be Strict About Your Budget

When you make a budget, you need to stick to it. That’s easier said than done. One reason homeowners have such a hard time sticking to their budget is that they think budgeting means doing things cheaply.

That is not what budget means in this context. A budget means knowing how much you have available to spend before starting a project. You have to be committed to sticking to that amount.

The problem many homeowners have is that they do the budgeting process in reverse. They decide on the design they want and then try to fit that design into the amount of money they have. Inevitably, the design they choose, the parts they need, and the tools they purchase are more expensive than what they planned for.

When you make a budget, you want to plan for between 10 percent and 15 percent overage. This allows a little bit of flexibility in your budget for when things get more expensive than you planned.

Pay with Cash

This may seem like a no-brainer. If you pay with the cash that you already have set aside, you will save a ton of money by not needing to pay interest. If you get a loan or put things on a credit card that you cannot immediately pay off, it means that you cannot afford an optional home improvement project. Of course, things are different if you are dealing with an emergency. Or you may consider taking out a loan or putting something on a credit card if you know that the loan will be paid off quickly or that there is going to be a sizable and immediate return on investment. Generally speaking, though, it’s best to pay with cash.

Don’t Rush Things

Waiting to make sure you have the money to do a home improvement project is not a bad thing. Time can give you perspective. It can help you determine whether it is best to purchase used scaffolding for sale or if you should purchase something new. It can help you determine if you should cut your entire kitchen or do the project piece by piece.

Rushing through a home improvement project will inevitably lead to you making some decisions that you are going to regret. This is because you are factoring in so many things simultaneously. Prioritize what the most intensive project will be and get that done first.

Starting with a smaller project is smart because you will likely run into unexpected expenses. If you are doing smaller projects and the unexpected arises, you can usually deal with them without needing to take out a loan or do other financially compromising things to get the job done.

Reuse and Recycle

This is not always possible. However, one of the biggest ways to save money is by reusing cabinetry and appliances if possible. You may not need to rip out your kitchen cabinets completely. You may be able to reface them and throw on some new hardware.

Even if you can’t reuse pre-existing things in your space, you can purchase material and fixtures from used stores. There are several used building material auctions. Don’t forget to check the Internet. There are a lot of people who are itching to sell excellent materials at a low price. You may find a builder looking to unload materials from a project they have completed.

Looking for used salvage material can be a ton of fun. You’ll save money, and you’ll be happy when you look at the results.

Purchase the Big Things on Sale

Once you set your mind to doing a home improvement project, you likely want to get it done immediately. However, with a little patience, you may be able to find those big-ticket items on sale. Don’t let impatience scare you away from a good deal.


Home improvement projects can make your home feel and look better. Don’t feel like you have to rush things. Budget, plan and enjoy the building process.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.