5 Things to Do When You Move into Your New Home

Moving into a new home can be stressful. There are so many things to do, and it is easy to get overwhelmed. There are a few simple things to keep in mind that will ease the process. Following these tips will help you to settle into your new home faster and more easily.

1) Make an unpacking plan

It can be challenging to know where to start. You will feel less stressed if you make a plan of what needs to get done and when. Unpack rooms in the same space they are located in your new home. For example, place all items from the kitchen into that room first before moving on to other parts of the house. This way you won’t forget something important! Try to keep items that are used together in the same place. For example, keep all of your pots and pans in the kitchen. This makes it easier when cooking because you will know where they are! If you are struggling, use some boxes or labels to help out with organizing your belongings. This is also a good time to sell anything you don’t want anymore. It is always nice to make back some money for necessities!

2) Set up utilities

Setting up utilities is a very important step that often gets overlooked. You will need to inform your local water company if you plan on using tap water. Depending on the area, there may be specific rules about what time of day water can be used, which can help with saving money. Try to use less power by keeping lights off where possible. It is also recommended to make the necessary installations (like HVAC installation) and set up the internet at home as soon as possible. This is especially important for students living in shared accommodation because it’s difficult to do homework without reliable access!

3) Set up bills

You will need to set up any bill sent for your home through the mail as soon as possible. Bills such as electricity, water, and gas can be set up online or by phone for convenience, depending on how you prefer to do it. If there was a previous owner of your new home, you might not know what bills were left unpaid, and they could potentially come after you if not paid! If this happens, you might want to consider getting a basic credit check done. This way, if there are problems with your credit rating, you won’t be held responsible for late fees. Trust me; this happened to me before I knew I could always get this type of check. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

4) Meet your neighbors

You may not know anyone nearby, so it is important to meet people nearby who you can rely on for help if needed. You never know what you might need! Try bringing baked goods or other food items when you first meet, so things are less awkward. Introducing yourself to the neighborhood watch group is also recommended because they act as extra eyes and ears if anything goes awry.

5) Schedule an inspection and make repairs

After your belongings have been placed, make sure to schedule an inspection of the home before you close on it. An inspection can help protect you against any unexpected problems that may arise after you purchase a home and start living in it. Problems such as roof leaks, pest infestations, mold growth, and other issues should be identified and corrected by the seller before purchase to avoid the further expense or health concerns for the new homeowner. If repairs need to be done, don’t attempt them yourself because this could cause bigger problems down the road if not done correctly. Get a licensed professional involved like https://bardi.com/ac-installation-norcross/, so they do things right and only charge you fair market prices for their services.


Moving into a new home can make you feel overwhelmed at first. The best way to overcome this is by taking one step at a time! If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, take a break and try again when you are feeling better. Don’t forget to read your homeowner’s manual so you can avoid problems down the road. Happy moving in!

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.