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Comfort Commodities: What Every Growing Family Needs in Their House

When it comes to the growing family, we know what it’s like. Times get busier, a little more hectic, but definitely for the good. The best one can really do is try to alleviate or at least efficiently handle the more difficult aspects of family growth and enrich the best ones. Here to help you do that, we present a little guidance and compassion through experienced understanding. Here are five, often very helpful concepts and wares to incorporate into the growing home.

Goal Collection Jars

Understanding and, thus, managing our finances is a crucial skill needed by everyone. Unfortunately, though, many youth today don’t have a clear picture on this subject. According to the Society For Financial Awareness, “USA TODAY College asked Twitter followers if they’d learned financial education in high school or college, and the overwhelming majority reported not learning as much as they wanted”. This is a sad proposition that can absolutely be countered at home. Start with your growing family by setting up a collection or saving system. Incorporate money-earning chores and a fun way to save with collection jars. The result is fun family purchase goals, financial awareness, and the actual fruition of those purchase goals.

Com System

We now veer toward technology in this tip. The tech may actually be older here, but that just makes it all that much affordable and refined through years of use. We are talking about the in-home com system. With this, you don’t have to yell and shout all over the house. Press a button and immediately communicate from across your home. This fairly inexpensive home addition will save you a lot of grief and energy in the long run. It will also help you communicate to your children if you live in a multilevel home.


Some worry that carpet is not the best choice for little ones when spills are this age group’s specialty. This assumption may have been true years ago but not anymore. Today, many carpet manufacturers use stain-blocking and other, similar technologies in their carpeting. This will also save yourself on some medical bills that result from all of the trips and falls that younger children are bound to experience from sliding and running around. If you’re still worried about stains, though, ask Georgia Carpet Industries or whoever your nearby carpet provider is for some samples. Then, take the samples, stain them and see how they wash out. Doing that will help you choose the best type of carpet for your home.

Efficient Storage Area

This may sound like a basic, no frills suggestion, but an efficient storage area and storage systems can make or break the sanity of a growing household. Not only does organization help the entire family in matters of efficiency and knowing where things are, as Good Housekeeping reports, disorganization can actually cause a number of health issues. If possible, dedicate one room to efficient storage means. If this is not possible, consider partitions for storage separation in an occupied room or even outside storage solutions.

Robotic Vacuum

Our final suggestion, back to technology, is to get an automatic or robotic vacuum. There are many brands and types of these available today. Even if it does not perfectly get every speck of dirt, it will constantly stay after a good percentage of it. This is all time reclaimed by you and the family that otherwise is spent cleaning what a robotic helper can clean for you.

There are many ways to accommodate the needs of your growing family. These five tips are some of those that will certainly help everyone at home in this blossoming yet busy time. Enjoy your family time and cut back on those less desirable dues. Try a few of these suggestions and see what a difference they can make for you.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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