Got Guests Coming to Stay? 4 Ways You Can Prepare

Everyone wants their houseguests to feel welcome and have a pleasant stay. However, you might find yourself unprepared and stressed out when your guests’ arrival is looming. Luckily, preparing for houseguests doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are 4 simple ways you can make your overnight guests feel right at home.

Create an Inviting Guest Room

The room where your guests will be sleeping needs to be comfortable and welcoming. Even if the guest room isn’t perfect, there are a few small things you can do that will go a long way. First of all, create an environment where they can get a great night’s sleep. If your extra room is set up as an office or is lacking in some other way, you can use same day bedroom furniture delivery to furnish the room quickly. Make sure the bed is made with comfortable sheets, blankets, and plenty of pillows. If you want to go the extra mile, add a vase of fresh flowers, some snacks and bottled water, and a few books to read on the bedside table. Make sure there’s a lamp beside the bed in case your guests want to stay up reading!

Anticipate Their Needs

Try to have everything your guests will need out in the open and easy to find. Stock the bathroom with extra toilet paper, fresh towels, and wash cloths. Ensure that there is plenty of body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion available. It’s an especially nice touch to have a few toothbrushes, toothpaste, and travel size deodorant on hand as well just in case someone forgets theirs. Make sure there are extra blankets and pillows in the guest room, as well as an alarm clock, tissues, and a trash can. If you have Wi-Fi, make the password readily available for your guests to use.

Prepare the Kitchen

A few quick changes to your kitchen setup can really make your guests feel at home. Have some snacks and fruit out in the open and make sure they know they’re free to grab some anytime. Have everything needed for coffee and tea together on the counter so early risers can start their morning without having to wait for you. It’s a nice touch to have some breakfast cereals or pastries available as well. Your guests will be especially appreciative if you happen to stock up on their favorite foods or drinks. Additionally, if your guests have food allergies, try to have some foods on hand that they can eat without worry.

Keep it Simple

It’s easy to stress yourself out planning meals and activities for houseguests, but try to keep these things as simple as possible. Plan simple meals ahead of time or plan to order takeout a few times. Do grocery shopping, laundry, and meal prep ahead of time so you’ll have plenty of free time to just relax with your guests instead of having to work. Don’t forget to take time to enjoy yourself as well.

When you have guest staying, you want them to enjoy their visit, and you want to enjoy their company. Spend a little time before they come preparing so that their visit runs as smoothly as possible.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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