Healthy Food Alternatives That Your Family Will Still Love

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Are you looking to improve your family’s diet by introducing some healthy alternatives? Have you developed a habit of ordering fast foods? There are plenty of meals that will help you get through the week without feeling deprived. The following meals reduce added sugars and fats from breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and desserts, and incorporate nurturing vitamins into your diet.

Avocado and egg on bread

Instead of having margarine or jam on bread for breakfast, try avocado paired with an egg or two. Jam is filled with added sugars, while margarine has a high level of cholesterol. However, avocado contains fibres and cholesterol-lowering healthy fats that will keep you satisfied for a more extended period. You can use whole eggs with bread instead of egg whites because the yellow part of an egg contains choline, a fat-fighting nutrient that helps you trim down.

Roasted chickpeas

Chickpeas are legumes that contain high levels of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Chickpeas are a source of protein and can be swapped with meat in vegetarian and vegan diets. Chickpea and low sodium salt hummus has so much flavour instead of mayo. The benefits of chickpeas are

  • Improves digestion
  • Aids in weight management
  • Reduces the risk of several diseases.

Use organic whole milk instead of creamers

Creamers are unhealthy for the body since they are made with water, sugar, soybean oil and corn syrup. They also contain carrageenan, a stabilizer that causes inflammation. Instead of creamers, use organic whole milk and add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg for flavour. When drinking coffee, organic whole milk provides the calcium that caffeine robs from your body. Organic whole milk also provides your body with vitamins A, D, and B12 necessary for bone health.

Fresh fruit and banana ice cream

Instead of stocking your house with so much junk, incorporate fresh fruit to curb that sugar craving. It is naturally very sweet and can be served up in different ways. You can either eat them frozen in a smoothie or cut them up into bite-sized pieces to make pudding. For that extra treat, you could try making healthy banana ice cream by blending ripe bananas in a food processor and then freezing them for at least one hour. This snack contains lower calories and has high fibres as compared to regular ice cream. Mix in some peanut butter for flavour and added protein.

Chia pudding

Chia seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid omega-3 fatty acids that have high fibres and are gluten-free. Chia seeds are also a good source of protein. This great addition to your diet can be served in a large bowl with coconut or almond milk and fresh fruit.

Mashed sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are naturally a rich source of fibre. They also contain an array of minerals, including iron, selenium and calcium. You can also find vitamins B and C in sweet potatoes. Add a little orange juice and cinnamon, and enjoy your creamy snack.

Ice-cold drinks

Ice-cold drinks are a great alternative to sugary juice and soda. More often than not, when you crave sugary drinks, your body is trying to tell you that you are thirsty. To quench that feeling and satisfy your need for sugar, try drinking iced tea or carbonated water. To spice up your drink, you can add lots of ice and a slice of lemon.

Riced cauliflower

Cauliflower is a low carb and low-calorie meal that is very filling. When cooking your rice, grate a cup of cauliflower and lower sodium salt instead of using the highly refined and nutrient-deficient white rice. Cauliflower rice can also help you fight inflammation, boost weight loss, and protect you against certain illnesses.


Maintaining a healthy diet as a family not only provides your body with the much-needed nutrients but also allows you to teach your children healthy habits. They are also able to learn and respect meal times by developing healthy eating patterns. These healthy food alternatives also help you fight and prevent diseases and conditions that arise from unhealthy eating habits such as cancer, diabetes and cancer. You will also see a change in memory and concentration levels among your family members. Eating healthy also boosts mood and energy levels. The food you serve goes a long way in the health and development of your family.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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