How to Know What CBD Products Are Right for You

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the many compounds harvested from plants in the cannabis family. While we all have cells in our nervous system called receptors that can be impacted by CBD, the dose we take and dosing method can create different results for each user. To be sure you’re getting the best benefit, keep a journal of your dosage, your health concerns and the results.

What Condition are You Trying to Address?

Many who use CBD Oil find that a dropperful under the tongue before bed helps them fight anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain. If you’ve ever struggled to fall asleep, you may well be tempted to try this product as well. Be aware that edible grade CBD oils cannot be vaped or smoked, and smokable products should not be ingested. You should not be afraid to consult a doctor to see what conditions CBD could help you with. Particularly if you have any concerns about potential side effects.

Speed of Delivery

The fastest way to get CBD into your bloodstream is to place it under the tongue or to vape it. As far as speed of impact, the next fastest method is to apply it as a topical and the slowest method is to use edibles such as gummies. If you need instant relief, for example, gummies are probably not the option for you.

If you can find a CBD oil that works to help you manage a chronic condition such as pain or anxiety, consider taking a partial dose during the day to get the benefits without the sleepiness. You don’t have to use CBD, such as Maui Farma, only before bed; in fact, many users find it gives them clarity and focus, especially when taken in a partial dose.

When You Determine What Works

If you have good luck with a sublingual dose, you may be tempted to use CBD for a longer impact. For example, if you have pain that prevents you from sleeping for more than a few hours at a time, stack your CBD by taking a gummy, that will digest before you sublingual dose. The sublingual will act quickly, and by the time it wears off, the gummi will kick in.

If that same pain or nerve damage causes pain during the day, you may have results using a vaping pen. Instead of a full or half-dose, a single puff or two may help hold off muscle spasms related to nerve damage. Track your use to see when the spasms return and try to vape just a puff or two to maintain the benefits long term.

CBD is highly personal. By tracking your use and methodology, you may be able to get on top of chronic conditions with a few simple additions to your daily routine. Be sure to talk with a doctor or another expert to make sure you are using the right thing for you. Don’t be afraid to miss it with the help of a little consultation. CBD can make a big difference in your life. Be sure to try and figure out what works for you.

Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys writing, watching sports, the outdoors, and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball.

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