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How to Protect Your Home From Spring’s Pests and Critters

Winter is the quietest and most comfortable season for people who hate pests. Spring is when the critters start to peek out and rebuild their nests while summer is the time when they are in full force. Learn several ways to reduce the number of unwanted infestations and invaders in your home.

Seal Interior Openings

Inside of your home, you may notice different types of openings: HVAC vents, windows, doors and chimneys. There are also cracks, holes and damaged parts that pests like to dig into and crawl through. Walk through the house, noting every opening where pests can enter from the outside, and plan on sealing it closed. Pest control can help you find spots that you might miss.

Check the Exterior for Entryways

On the outside of the house, you may find burrows under the house’s foundation or nests near the chimney. Look behind bushes and large plants where some pests might be hiding. Look for any cracks or holes along the walls, roof and siding. Every opening is a potential site where small pests can enter, so it’s important to seal each one.

Install Nets

Spring is a good time for mosquitoes to show up after a rainstorm. If you have a patio, consider installing a net screen around the perimeter to block out the insects. Inside of the house, install nets on windows that are unsecured. Mosquito control is essential in or around wilderness areas where mosquitoes could carry diseases. 

Promote Cleanliness

No matter what season it is, promote a clean home to prevent your pests from exploring filthy areas. Ants, cockroaches and rodents are found near messy sites where there is food, leaves, or other types of debris. These places are where they find scraps of food and hiding places. Maintain a clean home, both indoors and outdoors, to keep away pests. Throwing away crumbs and scraps of good is a surefire way to prevent pests from making your house into a home.

Check the Garage

The garage is a favorite home for cockroaches and rodents. They often enter your home through barely visible holes in the walls and ceilings. When you have piles of clutter in the garage, it becomes impossible to see these openings. When you look for springtime pests, start your work in the garage and make frequent visits there. If you assert that the garage is your space, it will make it more difficult for other creatures to set up there.


Once the temperatures begin warming up, your household pests will appear, looking for food, water and shelter in your home. Pest control professionals encourage you to “pest proof” your home as much as possible. Start by cleaning the yard and clearing out the garage and gutters. When this work is not enough, hire a pest control expert, such as The Mosquito Masters, to perform removal and cleanup services. Not only can pest control ensure that there are no pests in your home right now, they can also help you know how to prevent pests from entering your home in the future.

Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys writing, watching sports, the outdoors, and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball.

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