Prenatal Fitness & You: 3 Tips to Stay Safe & Fit

You should feel a huge sense of congratulations for yourself if you have recently become pregnant. If you were active before you became pregnant, you do not have to worry as there are still ways that you can stay fit. Follow the prenatal fitness tips below to help you remain safe and to help you stay fit during pregnancy.

1. Make Substitutions for the Core

As you know, when you are working out, one of the main muscle groups that you will have to use is the core muscle group. You need to be especially careful when you are doing any core exercises that put your belly into a cone-like shape. 


The exercises that make these shapes include planks, downward dogs, and more, but you will notice as your belly will seem pointy in a sense. You do not want to overextend the linea alba, which connects your abs and expands with exercise.


If you have to use lower leg lifts or if you have to flex your spine when working out your core, you may want to look for alternatives as well. Some examples of these exercises include sit-ups or bicycles, for instance, and they put unnecessary pressure on the pelvic floor.


 There are so many other exercises that can still give you the same cardio impact but do not result in these painful experiences in your pelvis and abdomen. These are also known for creating added pressure in your abdomen as well, which is also not necessary to you when you are working out when pregnant.

2. Support Your Belly

Obviously, when you are pregnant, your belly is the most important part of your body that you need to take care of. When working out, make extra room for your belly so that it is not being squeezed or does not face impact. 


Leave the extra room with a wider stance when you are doing squats, or if you are doing an exercise that requires you to stand normally, spread out your legs instead. Even while on the ground, leave space so that you do not have to lie on your belly for an excessive amount of time.


Some impact exercises are also okay when you are pregnant as long as you do them carefully, including exercises like dancing and running. If your belly starts to feel uncomfortable or starts to feel as if it is in pain, slow down on these routines. Start with low-impact exercises on the days when it feels as if there is a bit of extra pain so that you are not overdoing it for yourself or your baby. Consider even wearing a belly belt when you are doing these impact exercises to alleviate some of the stress.

3. Take Care of Your Energy Levels

The final tip for exercising when pregnant is to focus on any exercise that will bring you energy instead of wearing you out. Only do those exercises that are fun for you and that will bring you happiness instead of those that you do not look forward to. 


Listen to what your body needs during this time because your job while pregnant is literally to take care of the human growing inside of you. Do not overdo it and stop when your body is telling you to stop.


Make sure that you are fueling up on your energy too by getting the sleep that you need in a day. If you are feeling especially tired, take a rest day or two and catch up on your sleep, and you are sure to come back feeling more energized than you were before. 


Even if you do not feel like you need sleep or a rest day, if you are fatigued, do a stretch routine rather than an exercise routine. This will help to work out your fatigued muscles that may be bringing you down and making you more tired overall.

Final Thoughts

If you are pregnant, you have to be aware of your bodily needs. It is not necessary the time to quit exercising entirely, but you do need to make changes that are necessary. Start today by following the three tips above to make yourself still feel fit and still feel as if you can care for yourself and your body.


Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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