The Benefits of CBD Oil for Your Health & Wellness

CBD oil can be purchased to use as a sublingual dose or purchased in a topical format. It’s very important that you focus your CBD buys for your specific necessary use.

Boost Your Workout Intensity

Once you have a working product for your CBD needs, you can make some serious health improvements. For example, the right topical can make it possible to increase your workouts or add a new facet to your routine. For example, you can add jogging steps to your daily walk with a CBD microdose after your workout to get on top of knee pain. You can also apply a topical to your feet and knees before a run, or use a joint cream to manage pain after lifting weights.

The goal is not to mask the pain of a serious injury that requires attention. However, if you want to ramp up your workout and build more muscle, CBD products can reduce the aches and pains of that new tissue.

Reduce Gut Inflammation

For those who struggle with belly cramps during and after workouts, even if you’re getting enough water, a CBD edible can help a great deal. Because many CBD edibles are designed to assist with sleep, you may want to cut your edible dose into quarters and just take a small dose to tackle gut inflammation.

Do be aware that soothing your gut may not be exactly what you need. If you struggle with sluggish digestion, you probably need fiber more than CBD. However, if you enjoy a balanced diet with plenty of roughage and still struggle with digestive issues, CBD can help and soothe conditions from hyper-acidity to IBS. It’s not a cure, but it can help you to manage your symptoms.

Focus Your Thoughts More Effectively

Many find that a full dose of CBD is a great sleep aid. However, you can also get good results from a micro dose if you struggle with anxiety or just have a hard time focusing. A micro dose for focus can be extremely helpful if you’re working from home, particularly if you have a family. Micro dosing is just that; instead of the full dose that helps you to fall into a deep, cleansing sleep more quickly, you can take 1/4 of that amount to help you shut out the

  • thoughts or projects that don’t need addressed right now
  • worries that simply don’t serve your goals
  • errant concerns that aren’t pertinent

For most folks, the morning brain is the most creative. If you need that morning brain time to boost your income, a microdose when you sit down to work can be extremely helpful in shutting out the thoughts that don’t belong in your creative time. There are many CBD oil online store options to help you select the best product and method of dosing.

Sleep Deeply

At the end of a long day, your tired body and brain may need some help to fall into the deepest, most cleansing sleep. Just as your cleansing organs, including your kidneys, liver and gut, are busy removing toxins from your body, your brain is also shedding toxins. For best brain cleansing, current research indicates that you need to get into deep, non-REM sleep. As the toxins that are being shed can include harmful proteins including tau and beta amyloid, the health of your brain now and in the future will require you to build a habit of deep, restful sleep.

For many, getting to sleep is just the start. If you struggle to fall asleep, a dose of CBD oil 15 to 30 minutes before bed can be extremely helpful. Simply place the dropper under your tongue and place the edible CBD oil there. A starting dose of 25 mg of oil is standard for adults.

If you struggle to stay asleep, consider taking a CBD gummie or edible at the same time as your sublingual dose. It won’t kick in until after digestion, but stacking your CBD dosage can extend the time you’re able to stay asleep.


Keeping a journal is an excellent way to find the best dosage for your needs. With your CBD journal, track the dosage, the delivery and the results. If you need to raise or lower your dosage, do so in 5 mg increments until you have a dosage that supports your health goals.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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