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Things To Know When Starting Your Own Private Practice

As a physiotherapist, my husband considers his proficient sociable skills a part of his profession. When dealing with patients that are recovering from serious injuries, or struggling with various disabilities, it is his responsibility to motivate them, support them through their progresses and downfalls, and help them both physically and mentally. Of course, the majority of his patients are seniors, and he always has to keep a respectful and considerate relationship, and he do find this easy to handle after 15 years of practice. In fact, his patients got so comfortable in his presence that he often had requests for private sessions. When numbers of interested patients got really high, it was that obvious how much of the profit he was missing on a daily level. For their convenience, and of love that he has for his work, he’s decided to start his own private practice. The following that you are about to read is a thorough explanation of how he’s managed to combine his profession, and his dream job, to a really profitable and respectable practice.


Thinking things through

He’s had some real intense self finding process and there were a lot of fears that he had to conquer. Fear of not achieving a profitable practice, fear of his co-workers reactions, at the point when we had a business plan in front of us, he was completely lost. He didn’t admit this even to me back then, until later, so I’m admitting to you if you are facing the same fears as he was. The treatment of this problem is simple – overcome your fears, don’t give up too soon and endure, keep trying. We’ve spent most of our savings, and even had to get a grant to open up his own organization. We were in debts even before he started working, so you can imagine the pressure we felt on our shoulders.


This is the only key to success. His ambitions were not that unbelievable after all! He is a professional with a certain set of skills that can help people in need. We’ve divided his goals and objectives on a monthly, season and on a year level, and we’ve set definite monetary minimums that had to be accomplished. Micromanaging your time can really help you to notice your business development.


He chose to set up a private practice in the convenience of our own home. The guest room became his office, remodeling cost me a pretty penny, and he even got himself a glass door with his name on it and everything. Redecorating didn’t come cheap as well, after all we had to give his office a full professional look. We did consider having a rental space, but I have to say that patients do feel more comfortable and relaxed when they connect with him on that personal level, far away from the cold and lifeless rooms of hospitals and health centers.


My husband tends to offer every possible help and assistance. In any case he had to be prepared, so we have invested in orthopedic appliances, professional table and workout equipment, all much needed physio supplies that could help his clients do their best while recovering. Now he even has an assistant, and his practice went from solo to two team member expert therapists and his schedule is nevertheless full. He has online advertisement, but his patients are his best lawyers because they do recommend him to their friends, relatives and acquaintances. The bond he has with his clients is based on a professional level, but they perceive him as a friend and I must say it really helps in therapy.

Hopefully his experience will motivate you to start your own practice. Unfortunately, there will always be people who need our help, and there is always going to be a need for professional therapists with human affection.

Chloe Miller

Lifestyle blogger, fashion and beauty enthusiast, mum-to-be from Adelaide, Australia. Graduated from Adelaide Uni. In love with koalas, cats, horses and Sicily.

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