Women’s Health: What to Do if You Have a UTI

Urinary Tract Infections impact over 10 million women a year. It can be painful and it’s not the best experience for any woman to have, although it is very common. 50-60% of women will be affected by a UTI in their lifetime. A number of things can cause a UTI. Bacteria is the number one cause of Urinary Tract Infections. E Coli bacteria or fungi can cause UTI. It usually starts as an infection of the bladder which then develops into a Urinary Tract Infection. Bladder infections usually go away within 24-48 hours, although if it’s a kidney infection it may take a week or longer. Your body will naturally heal itself along with supplements and medicine.

Risks and Factors of a UTI

What causes a Urinary Tract Infection? They can be caused by microbes from bacteria-fighting the body’s defenses in the urinary tract area. The bacteria impacts the kidneys, bladder, and tubes. The urinary tract has two parts: the upper urinary tract and the lower urinary tract. The kidneys and ureters can be found in the upper urinary tract, and the bladder and urethra can be found in the lower urinary tract. Women are at an increased risk by 50% of contracting a UTI. Usually, after painful, frequent, and burning urination, many women will get checked out at the nearest doctor’s office or urgent care. The doctor will typically get a urine sample to conclude their assumptions of a UTI. It’s usually cured in 2-3 days.

There are different types of UTIs. Cystitis is a bladder infection, urethritis is a urethra infection, and pyelonephritis is a kidney infection. Keep in mind that the ureters rarely are the area that is infected with a UTI. Can it happen to pregnant women? Yes, but it is not common. If it does, it will most likely travel upwards towards the kidneys due to the bodily change during pregnancy. A UTI can be dangerous for a pregnant woman and the infant child, so they are usually given lots of antibiotics for prevention even if there is no symptom of a UTI. Any person of any age or gender can contract a UTI.

Symptoms and Relief of a UTI

What are the symptoms of a UTI? Usually, after new or multiple sexual partners, diabetes, poor hygiene, problems emptying the bladder, loss of bowel control, blockage of urine flow, kidney stones, pregnancy, or menopause, a woman has an increased risk of developing a urinary tract infection. The most common symptoms of this infection are burning and frequent urination, cloudy or bloody strong-odor urine, nausea and vomiting, and muscle aches and abdominal pains. At first, it appears as a fever, then shows as a UTI, making it hard to detect. Most UTIs are not serious but can cause problems in particular with upper UTIs. So, what can a woman do to find relief?

Although doctors will typically prescribe antibiotics, pain relief, and may offer vaginal infection medications over the counter, sometimes for some women it’s still not enough. Plenty of fluids usually will do the trick and help flush out the bacteria in the body, especially a lot of water. What if there was a medicine that you can mix into water and get instant relief? There are tons of supplements for UTI that you can mix in with your water and pee out the pain. It has 15 packs all the way up to 90 packs. Inside of the mix packs you will find D-Mannose, Vitamin C, Vitamin D that is vegan, gluten-free, and made in the USA.


No need to fear if you get a UTI, antibiotics, and supplements are here! By following up with your doctor and taking all the prescribed and over-the-counter recommended supplements and medications for the urinary tract infection, you should be okay. Don’t forget that you’re not the only woman going through this, and more than half will experience it in their lifetime. This is a normal occurrence. The best ways to prevent this from happening are to drink a lot of water and try to urinate frequently, shower more than bathe, keep the genital areas clean, wear cotton underwear, and use pads instead of tampons.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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