10 Content Ideas You Should Avoid in 2016

Anchor text: consult Webryze, which is one of the top search engine marketing companies in Canada

With nearly two months gone this year, 2016 is yet to unleash the best in it. Expectations are quite high with lots of wished and hopes for betterment. At the same time, there are some content ideas that, having tried for thousands of times, come back with their ugly heads.

You need to be different and fresh, so don’t spoil yet another year going after stale and boring ideas. This post shared 10 terrible ideas that you should avoid at any cost, and come up with something really smashing.

Although, you think of them as old ones, you might be forced to have them in your content, because you already had gone out of new ideas, or probably had wasted some good opportunities to share a good content.

In order to avoid this situation, you can consult Webryze, which is one of the top search engine marketing companies in Canada.

10 Ideas to Avoid for the Rest of 2016

While planning your content for this year, avoid these mistakes and terrible ideas. That’s solely for the purpose of readers’ well-being. They’ve gone bored seeing the same old content every year. And with low user experience, who would expect to get a good rank on Google?

So, here you go

The March of the Pun-guins

Well, think about a person discussing puns in his/her wedding speech? No matter how hilarious that would sound, guest wouldn’t be too serious to note you meant it to be a laughing stock for them. That’s what you wanted as a unique flavor, but your audience don’t.

So quit bad jokes. It doesn’t mean humor has no place there. By adding relevant content with humor, you could win millions of readers.

April – Piggybacking on Hastags

People have already had enough of this nonsense. This year, they may well show their response to this type of content. If you want to put your foot on social media, make sure you talk sense and be sensible as well. DiGiorno Pizza used the wrong hashtag to market its pizza. The hashtag was actually meant for domestic violence.

May – Content on Death of any Technique

There’s always someone making claims for a sad demise of a particular method or technique. It’s actually quite funny too, seeing hundreds of deaths in a year. Literally everything is dead right now. But still, you will be seeing these things gone dead yet again this year:

  • PPC

  • SEO (most favorite and easy to claim)

  • Email marketing

  • Long copy

  • Short copy

  • Social media

  • Guest blogging

  • Content marketing

Be very cautious, because as soon as you will claim any of them dead, there will be someone claiming it’s not. In fact, it is the easiest way to make yourself a laughing stock. So save your reputation for Goodness sake!

June – the old Virus Attack Called “Euro Fever”

People always wait for this mega event and “Euro 2016” in France is already lined up. But that doesn’t mean you should plan a whole batch of posts on this particular theme. You cannot have your Best XI of SEO Experts like those in English Football team. And seriously, who cares if you have one!

July – Old Ideas Creeping In

Yes, it’s high time to look back at those old ideas you’ve been ignoring for the past six months. With fresh ideas gone, you’d be surfing last year’s post thinking to refresh any old post for your readers. Before doing that, wouldn’t people get an impression that you’ve gone out of touch?

It’s good to share list posts, how-to posts and other, but they should be new and warming too.

August – Stop Schooling

By this time, with powerful and attention grabbing ideas, you’d have developed some kind of authority. But that doesn’t mean you become a school teacher. Your readers may be remembering those days, but none of them would want to be treated like a student anymore. So, treat them like adults and be their friend rather than a teacher.

September – Don’t Be Personal

Instead of giving personal information (your birthday, wedding anniversary or your son’s birthday), be personable and approachable in your writing. It’s good to show you’re a normal human being but you should also understand that your readers are not your buddies.

October – Taking Out the Idea that Didn’t Work Last Year

Again, this is common, and more often gets the same treatment like it did the last time. Instead of getting back to last year’s fails, remove it from your memory lane and think of something new and engaging.

November – Embrace the Festive Buildup, Instead of Complaining

People do complain about loads of Christmas products and preparations going on so early. This is no time for you to waste though. If you’re already a successful business, you should invest your time and effort planning for Christmas strategy.

December – Don’t Be John Lewis

Yes, leave his method to him and try your own ways to market your content. There are plenty of things to be done for the next year. So, instead of coming-up with dull rip-offs, share something that readers will be interested in.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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