10 Points to Remember on How to Find a Mover You Can Trust

Once you have makeup your mind to find the best mover for your big moving day than half of your battle is done already. However, the challenges remains, locating an efficient and honest mover to move from one city to another, to abroad or to the countryside are one major concern here.

Being in the moving industry for several years with professionalism and care, buzzmoving recommends the 10 following things you should never forget when finding a mover that can be trusted with your goods: movers must have a good reputation, an extensive network, and be licensed and insured. In addition, they must be professional, polite, understand your needs and proffer the right advice.


Here are a few consideration to put you on a right track:


  1. Meet your mover and find out their age of business in Moving Industry, ask if they can give you a few references.
  2. Check the references. Call their clients to check on the services the mover offered and whether there were any problems.  find_a_trusted_mover_with_buzzmoving


  3. Determine whether the mover handles the work himself or assigns it to a sub agent or associate.
  4. Do an online search to determine whether there are any warnings or complaints against the mover.
  5. Check with the local chamber of commerce or bank to determine the moving company’s business standing.
  6. Check if the mover’s license and insurance are current. Ensure they have workman’s compensation and other benefits in place.
  7. The mover must have a wide network with offices preferably in the place you are moving on.
  8. The ideal mover will not give you an estimate off the top of his head. He will insist to making a preliminary inspection, listing objects to be moved, and ask you to answer a number of questions. Based on which he will prepare an estimate and highlight variables.
  9. He will be open minded and explain clearly what you can expect and what you cannot. He will tell you all about insurance, the actual moving process, transit storage, guarantees and so on.
  10. A mover with good reputation will be a member of AMSA (American Moving and Storage Association). As a professional he will have committed to following an industry Code of Conduct and will offer quality service.


An ideal mover will value your business and explain his responsibilities clearly.

Since you know you have to spend adequate time as well as energy to finding the right mover that best suits your needs and budgets. Ask relevant questions such as these

  • Will my materials move as one load or as part of other things, a larger load?
  • Will my stuff reach its destination as promised?
  • What kind of training do your workers receive?
  • Are the workers experienced in packing antiques and other valuables?
  • Do I need additional insurance apart from the one provided by you?
  • Do they have prior experience to move clothes on hangers?

Be sure to cross check whatever you have found. Check every pros and cons carefully. Don’t fall in love with any big name and never let cost dictate your preferences. Sometimes by cutting corners to save a few pennies you may lose your favorite furniture, break any gadgets or even lost your important paper works. So be prudent and weigh every little things carefully.

Ziaul Haque

Digital Marketing Manager and Content Creator at UBIC Solutions Ltd. I help brands generate informative, authoritative, and SEO-optimized web content that ranks on Google.

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