10 Ways to Conserve Energy at Work

Conserving energy at work saves money and time regardless of your work environment. Office buildings, warehouses and other spaces can all benefit from energy conservation. Businesses can avoid unnecessary costs by making their spaces more energy-efficient. Saving energy at work can be achieved with a few simple steps. Here are 10 ways to conserve energy at work.

1. Turn Off the Lights

If you work in an office building with plenty of windows, consider turning off artificial lighting when the sun is out. If your workspace is already well lit with natural light, you can save unnecessary costs by simply turning off the lights. In addition, many employees report feeling more comfortable and productive when working under natural light, which tends to be less harsh than artificial lighting.

2. Seal Your Doors

If your office space is drafty in the winter and too hot in the summer, your building may have some issues with improper sealing. When windows and doors are improperly sealed, they tend to allow airflow between the inside and outside spaces, leading to unwanted temperature changes. Avoid wasteful energy loss by properly sealing doors, windows and other external openings that may be letting in outside air.

3. Use Energy Efficient Lighting

Some workspaces require more than natural light. If your workspace is not well-lit or requires specialty lighting, try out LED lighting. This form of lighting is much more sustainable than other versions, and will save you money in the long-term! LED lighting also tends to last longer, which means fewer light bulbs to change.

4. Adjust Your Thermostat

Many office workers are well-acquainted with the too cold conference room or cubicle. Consider meeting with leadership and co-workers to agree upon a thermostat temperature that works for everyone, and saves energy. Keeping spaces unnecessarily warm or cold wastes energy, and most individuals are happy to go without the extreme temperature changes.

5. Use Renewable Energy

If your office building is in a location that can use renewable energy, consider getting a quote to convert some of your energy sources to renewables. For example, many warehouses have the perfect rooftop space for solar. Depending on your state, you may also qualify for tax savings by switching to renewable energy. While installment costs may be higher than traditional fuel sources, renewable energy will undoubtedly save you money and make your business more resilient in the face of climate change.

6. Invest in Laptops

Unless you work in an industry that requires multiple desktop screens, consider transitioning employees to laptops instead of desktops. Gone are the days of bulky desktops at each cubicle, as many businesses are now planning for greater flexibility in where employees work. With many people working from home or traveling during work, investing in laptops is not only cheaper than desktops but it also saves your business space and energy.

7. Check Your HVAC System

Routinely checking your HVAC system is one of the easiest ways to conserve energy at work. Making sure everything is running correctly can save you expensive repairs down the road, and keep the system running smoothly. There are also innovative technological improvements being made to traditional HVAC systems, that may save you money when heating and cooling a large commercial space.

8. Incentivize Employees

A warming climate makes green living a necessity, and many individuals want to feel like their employer is proactively addressing energy conservation. Incentivizing employees not only helps to involve individuals in the decision-making process but also makes employees feel valued and needed. Energy conservation in the workspace is a group effort, and people will appreciate being involved.

9. Perform an Audit

Before making any major changes, you first should establish the amount of energy you are using, and where you could potentially save. Performing an energy audit is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Hiring a professional auditor can help you and your team determine how you can conserve energy, and how to take the necessary steps to get there.

10. Upgrade Your Equipment

If your workspace requires various forms of electrical equipment, consider upgrading to energy-efficient options. The overall investment will be worthwhile both in terms of financial savings and ease of performance. Many energy-efficient appliances tend to last longer and work better, which means fewer trips to the store to fix the office printer.

A Greener Workspace

The workplace is changing, with more people working remotely or traveling regularly for work. Using laptops tends to make sense for many employees rather than bulky desktops, and natural light tends to work just fine instead of artificial lighting. By first measuring your business’s energy usage by performing an audit, you can ensure that you make the right changes for your space.

In the face of climate change, businesses and employees can work together to establish sustainable ways of conserving energy. By removing waste like paper, upgrading supplies and incentivizing employees, businesses can work to conserve energy that saves them money and the environment. Conserving energy at work can be achieved in just a few simple steps, and small changes can make a huge impact.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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