10 Ways to Get Your Dream Job


Even though work isn’t everything, evidence suggests that it can have a big impact over your overall happiness in life. If you are able to secure your dream job, you can help ensure that you enjoy yourself at work and in your personal life, and you can help ensure that you make an income that can help you live a comfortable lifestyle. These are a few tips that can help you get your dream job.


1. Go Back to School

There are many people who can benefit from going back to school in one way or another. If you don’t have a degree or if you are interested in becoming a part of another field, you may want to consider looking into a degree program, either at a brick-and-mortar school or an online institution. Even if you aren’t interested in going back to school for a degree, taking an additional college class in a subject that you are interested in or taking continuing education classes can also be a good idea.


2. Network Online

If you haven’t taken advantage of social media for more than just watching funny cat videos and sharing memes with friends, now is a time to start using it for networking purposes. Get back in contact with old friends from college or co-workers from previous jobs; they might just have some leads for you.


3. Have a Professional Resume Done

Even though you might have learned how to make your own resume, you might benefit from looking for professional resume writing services online. By having a professional make a resume for you, you can help ensure that you can wow potential employers.


4. Network in Person

Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to the people who you meet in day-to-day life. This can be a great way to make friends and improve your social skills, and it might just help you meet someone who can help you secure your next dream job.


5. Attend Industry Events

Regardless of the industry that you are involved in, there is a good chance that there are industry events out there that you can attend. Try going to job fairs, trade shows, conferences and other events; this can help you stay up-to-date on all that is going on in your chosen industry and can help you find out about job opportunities.


6. Look for Part-Time Work

If you are having trouble finding a full-time position, consider looking for part-time work. If it’s in your chosen industry, it could be a way to get your foot in the door for an upcoming full-time position. Even if it’s not in your chosen industry, it could be a good way to meet people and possibly find out about other job opportunities that might work well for you.


7. Consider an Internship

Consider keeping your eye out for internship opportunities. Even though you might not be paid for your internship, you can gain valuable experience and can meet people in your industry. Plus, you might be able to score a full-time position through the internship opportunity as well.


8. Look for Jobs Online

Now is a great time to look for jobs online. There are tons of job classifieds websites that make job hunting easy. You can also check the websites for companies that you might be interested in working for; they might list career opportunities on their site.


9. Get Out and Look for Jobs

Even though you can definitely look for jobs online, it’s not a bad idea to get out and apply for jobs in-person, either. By job hunting in person, you can help ensure that you don’t miss out on any job opportunities that might not have been listed online.


10. Be Willing to Try Something Different

If you haven’t been having much luck with finding a job that you are interested in, consider looking for a job that is a little bit different. You might just find that you will like it more than you think, and even if you don’t, you can gain valuable information and help avoid having gaps in your employment.


As you can see, there are a few things that you can do that can help you find your dream job. Follow these tips, and you might find that finding the perfect job is easier than you thought it would be.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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