11 Ways to Volunteer in Your Community and Make a Big Difference

Many people may feel like they are utterly powerless to make a real difference in the world. However, the truth is that you don’t have to be rich or powerful to make a real positive change. Instead, you just have to take smaller actions that benefit others on a one on one basis.

One excellent way to accomplish this is by volunteering in your community. Considering that the amount of people volunteering has declined in recent years, you’ll be making a bigger difference than you may realize. Below are a number of options for volunteer work you should consider.

Coach a Youth Team

Many people had aspirations to become famous athletes growing up. Even if your sports career didn’t amount to much, you can still use it to give back to the community. Consider volunteering to coach a youth sports team with your free time.

Volunteer as a Tutor

Many teachers are overworked and don’t have the ability to spend as much time with each individual student as they would like. However, there is a way to help your local community and your local school system. Donate your time as a tutor.

Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen

Hunger is still a huge problem for society. According to statistics, 795 million people don’t have enough food. While you can’t solve world hunger, you can fight in your community by volunteering at a soup kitchen.

Organize a Food Drive

Another way to help make sure people in your community don’t go without food is by organizing a food drive. Many people and businesses will be happy to donate. Consider working with a food pantry on your collection efforts.

Perform Accounting Functions

Specialized skills are also something that can be donated and used for charity. For example, you may be a certified accountant. If that is true, you can donate by performing accounting work and donating accounting software for nonprofits.

Volunteer at a Senior Center

Another group of individuals in your community that need help are seniors. Consider donating your time at a senior center. Even simply playing a game of cards or chess with a senior is enough to make their day better.

Run a Marathon for Charity

Another choice for athletes is to run a marathon for a local charity. If it’s a worthwhile charity, you’re certain to find plenty of sponsors. It will also provide an extra incentive to exercise.

Donate Legal Services

Another professional that can donate his or her services is an attorney. There are many different ways you can donate your services as a lawyer. For example, you could take on cases for poor clients pro bono. You could also work with nonprofits and charities.

Volunteer at a Women’s Shelter

Women’s shelters provide housing for women and their children that are in need. Many of these women are the victims of abuse. Women’s shelters do not use a profit model and need volunteers to help sustain their important services.

Volunteer at a Veterans Homes

Veterans homes help provide services for elderly and disabled veterans. If you want to give back to your community and the people who have sacrificed the most for their country, donating your time at a veteran’s home is an excellent idea.

Volunteer at Your Place of Worship

Churches, synagogues and temples do a lot of charity work. If you are religious, there are many ways you can work with your place of worship to provide services for the community. Many churches, for example, provide food banks, clothing drives and services for the elderly. Studies show that religious people donate more than non-religious people.

Charity work isn’t only about making yourself feel good. It can also really help people and change their lives for the better. If you are looking for more meaning in your life, investigate different ways you can volunteer and donate your time to help your community. You can make a big difference.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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