3 Amazing Benefits of Diet-Based Meal Delivery Services

You’ve failed again! Another diet down the drain!


You wonder why every time you’re motivated to lose weight and get healthy, you somehow get derailed. Why is it so hard to stick to a healthy diet? Your answers may include being too tired to cook after a long day at work and opting for fast food instead; or the kids have soccer and dance three or four times a week and stopping for a hamburger and fries on the go is just easier; or nobody else in the family wants to eat keto and you don’t want to cook two separate meals.


Whatever your personal reasons might be, know you’re not alone. In fact, in 2016, healthy meal delivery services (used by people just like you who were struggling with sticking to healthy diets), brought in over $400 million. So what are these healthy meal delivery services and how can they help you stick to your diet?


First off, meal delivery services include premade meal delivery services and meal kit delivery services. Although both offer healthy, convenient alternatives to eating fast food, premade diet-based meal delivery services provide already-prepared, diet-friendly meals you can either cook or warm-up, while meal kit delivery services provide kits with all of the pre-portioned ingredients you need to make your healthy meal. Both are delivered straight to your door and are great options for you to help you stick to a diet. Today, we’re just going to talk about three amazing benefits of using premade, diet-based meal delivery services to help you stay on track.


  1. The Benefit of Convenience

What sends us straight to an unhealthy fast food restaurant when we’re short on time or too tired to cook after a long day at work? Convenience. We love not needing to prepare anything when we’re exhausted and already running late. Premade diet-based meal delivery services offer the same convenience of no preparation but with healthier options delivered right to your door. The best premade meal delivery services use culinary teams to prepare meals with fresh ingredients, not processed foods, to ensure their choices are even healthier.


With premade meals from meal delivery services, all you need to do is go home, pop your meal into the oven or microwave to heat up, and then enjoy–no extra preparation required, and no need to leave your home after that hectic workday to pick up a box of fried chicken.


The convenience of not needing to go to the grocery store is also a huge plus. It’s hard enough to be on a diet, but shopping for food on a diet is even harder–the temptations can be overwhelming. And even if you still need to grocery shop for the rest of your non-dieting family members, at least with a meal delivery service you’re given the convenience of only needing to prepare one meal instead of two. Premade meal delivery services are definitely convenient!


  1. The Benefit of Customization While Catering to Dietary Restrictions

Besides the benefit of  convenience to keep you on track with your diet and away from fast food restaurants and their unhealthy food choices, is the fact that you can make most good meal delivery services fit your specific needs. Many are customizable by type of diet, number of portions per day, and number of days per week or month. No one size fits all. By customizing your meal delivery service, you don’t waste food on meals you don’t like or meals you don’t need or meals that don’t fit within your dietary restrictions.


To be successful on your diet, meal delivery services that cater to your specific dietary restrictions is key. Specialized diet-based meal delivery services will understand specific guidelines you need to follow. For example, keto meals delivered by Ketoned Bodies is set up to keep you on track and within your macros on the ketogenic diet; there are also diet meal plans strictly for vegetarians, those who are gluten free, and those who are diabetic, etc. Choosing the specific diet that is best for you and your needs and desires will make you more successful with your weight loss goals or your journey to all-around better health.


  1. The Benefit of Balanced Nutrition through Carefully Controlled Portions

These specialized diet-based meal delivery services also provide nutritious, portion-controlled meals to ensure healthy eating within strict dietary guidelines. With the guesswork out of what to eat and how much, sticking to your diet is much easier. With portion-controlled servings, you won’t overeat which will help with weight loss; you also won’t have to worry if you’re eating a balanced diet within your specific diet’s parameters since the meal delivery services already do the hard work for you when they plan each meal for each type of diet.


If you want to be successful on your diet, but are easily derailed by the busyness of life or a lack of willpower or a steep learning curve for a particular type of diet, a premade, dietary-based meal delivery service may be the best option for you. The benefits of convenience, customization while catering to your specific dietary needs, and balanced nutrition through carefully controlled portions make these types of meal delivery services perfect springboards for achieving your health goals.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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