3 Benefits of Living a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Why Gluten-free?

If you are living in America or any other western country, then you have no doubt heard about the gluten-free lifestyle. You may wonder why people choose to go gluten-free. Things like cookies, bread, cakes and muffins are delicious, so why would people choose to take gluten out of their diets? First of all, gluten is a substance that is found in many cereal grains. It is generally found in wheat, and it is what gives wheat its stretchy texture. 


Over the years, the properties in gluten have changed, and the human body has also become more susceptible to damage from the properties in gluten. Because of that, some people get horrible side effects from eating it. Gluten can damage an individual’s stomach because it can break through the blood-gut barrier. Not only can gluten cause leaky gut syndrome, but it can also cause a person to suffer from autoimmune disease symptoms. Gluten can also be a trigger for asthma symptoms.

What Are Some Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity?

Autoimmune diseases are on the rise, and gluten can be a huge trigger for some of the debilitating symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Gluten can cause symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, headaches, depression, anxiety, stiff muscles, muscle weakness, joint swelling. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, then you might benefit from a gluten-free lifestyle. In the following paragraphs, you will find three of the biggest benefits from going gluten-free.

#1 Better Sleep

If you suffer from gluten sensitivity or intolerance, then you could have problems sleeping. This is because once gluten breaks through the blood-gut barrier and gets into your bloodstream, it causes inflammation all throughout your body. 


This can cause you to lose essential sleep because your body is constantly fighting itself, and it will do that all night. A good night’s sleep is essential to a high-quality life, so if you are having problems sleeping, you may choose to go on a gluten-free diet for just 30 days in order to see if the symptoms get better.


#2 Mental Clarity

When gluten gets into your system, it can cause you to have brain fog. This is because it is traveling into your bloodstream and your brain is one of the organs in your body that use the most blood. When you have “gluten fog,” you can feel more forgetful, tired, sluggish, and have less clarity. People who suffer from gluten sensitivity generally do well once they remove gluten from their diet; they are able to recuperate their memory, and they feel like they have more mental clarity.

#3 Physical Stamina

If you are suffering, then you may find that gluten is a huge culprit. Once gluten gets into your system, your body begins to attack itself. This will cause you to feel fatigued and worn out. Gluten symptoms can be draining, and they can make you feel like you are always dragging. 


When you take the gluten out of your system, your body will stop fighting itself, and it will begin to get back to thriving and healing. Your system will no longer be working so hard to deal with the gluten, so you will get your energy back. Weakness and fatigue are some major signs of gluten sensitivity, so you do well to consider leaving it out of your diet if you feel like you are dragging it all of the time.

Is It Hard To Go Gluten-Free?

It has never been easier to go gluten-free. In many restaurants and stores, you can find gluten-free options. Apart from that, you can change most meals in order to make them gluten-free by just switching your ingredients and adding the best extra virgin olive oil. Gluten-free products have really come a long way over the years, and they are now tastier than ever.

Go Gluten-Free for Your Health

There are many reasons why some people have chosen to go gluten-free. If you find that you are suffering from any of the symptoms that are mentioned above, you may want to try going gluten-free for just one month. If you see that your symptoms are clearing up, then a gluten-free lifestyle may be the best for you.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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