3 Essentials Oils for Home Use to Calm, Relax, and Improve ADHD Concentration

With the prevalent increase of ADHD diagnosis in children and adults, the expansion toward holistic remedies has become increasingly popular. In fact, a natural remedy is a far safer option than the conventional method of drug and medication as the former doesn’t pose any risk to side effects when compared to the latter.

Between years 2011 and 2012, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) reported an estimated 6.4 million of children were diagnosed with ADHD. The numbers have only increased since then and the issue of ADHD is more severe than ever before.

The conventional approach to dealing with ADHD involves a lot of medication that have significant effects on the personality and behavior of children. Unfortunately, many children are being diagnosed wrongly with ADHD which means that they’re consuming unnecessary medication that will negatively impact their lives.

As this misdiagnosis is quite common in today’s world partially due to the increasing short attention span in children these days (thanks to the development and advancement of technology and social structure changes), an alternative route to conventional medication is strongly advised unless your child displays clear signs of ADHD to which requires obvious medication to treat.

And if there’s one natural holistic remedy that works extremely well in relieving ADHD issues by calming and relaxing the body, mind, and soul (while improving focus and concentration), it’s hands down essential oils for home use.

Essential oils not only help improve cognitive function by helping children relax and focus better (ADHD or not), they also tap into the nervous system by calming and soothing the body, mind, and soul. A calmer child who isn’t too hyperactive will naturally adopt better responsive actions that will lead to improved attention spans and desirable behavior.

Here are 3 of the most effective essential oils for home use (advised to be used in conjunction with a glass nebulizing diffuser) for ADHD.

1. Lavender essential oils

Improves brain wave patterns and behavior. Case studies have shown that lavender essential oils aid in an improved performance at school by 53%.

Lavender essential oils are also very well known for its calming effects that help soothe and relax restless minds. They work extremely well for children who have difficulty calming down or for those who find it hard to pay attention or to fall asleep.

2. Cedarwood essential oils

Naturally high concentration of sesquiterpenes known to increase oxygenation in brain cells which improves brain wave patterns and behavior. Case studies have shown that cedarwood essential oils aid in an improved performance at school by 83%.

Not only is cedarwood essential oils great for improving attention span, they greatly help in providing a calming and relaxed environment which will in turn soothe your child’s hyperactive behavior.

3. Vetiver essential oils

Well known for effectively calming the nervous system while stimulating the circulatory system, vetiver essential oils also improves brain wave patterns and behavior. Case studies have shown that vetiver oils aid in an improved performance at school by 100%.

Vetiver essential oil contains several health benefits aside helping ADHD children due to its anti inflammatory and antiseptic properties which help heal wounds and other skin issues. It is also great for other purposes such as a room freshener with a slight earthy scent with a hint of lemon and it also acts as a natural insect repellent.

And there’s no better way to maximize all the essential oil benefits than to incorporate an aromatherapy diffuser into your lifestyle. The best kind of aromatherapy diffuser you can get your hands on is a glass nebulizing diffuser thanks to high quality glass being used in the creation and design of the aromatherapy diffuser.

The only problem about investing in a glass nebulizing diffuser is due to the lack of after sales support received from many aromatherapy brands. For example, if you accidentally broke a piece of your glass nebulizing diffuser, it’ll be hard to get aromatherapy diffuser parts to replace it unless you go with a brand like ArOmis which does sell aromatherapy diffuser parts.

As long as you do your due diligence on getting the best aromatherapy diffuser for home use in helping your child improve upon their ADHD, you will be reaping the optimal benefits as advantages of what organic essential oils have to offer.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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