3 Food Ingredients That Are Not As Harmful As You Thought


Every health concerned individual knows that food additives are not to be trusted. The first thing to do is read the long list in the back of the package to see if there are any additives in the ingredients. Although food additives are harmful, there are some that are safe and are derived from natural sources. Here you will read about 3 food ingredients that you do not need to worry so much about.




Carrageenan is a sulfated polysaccharide that is extracted from a red seaweed plant. It is used in the food industry to thicken and give a gel-like texture to food products. It is commonly used in the following foods:


  • Ice cream, milkshakes, yogurt, dressings, condensed dairy products
  • Beer
  • Soy milk and other plant milks
  • Diet sodas
  • Vegetarian alternatives to meat (vegetarian hot dogs)
  • Some sauces
  • Fruit gushers


This gelling additive is used as an alternative to gelatin, a product made from the collagen of various animal body parts. Therefore, carrageenan is mainly used in vegan and vegetarian products.


Its industrial use began in the 1930s, but the truth is that it has been used for centuries in countries like China, Ireland, and Scotland. The Chinese have been using this food ingredient since the 600 B.C. Traditionally, it was prepared at home by cooking the plant material and adding borax.


This food additive is considered safe by the FDA when used in the necessary amount to perform its emulsifying and stabilizing properties.


There is a lot of controversy on whether carrageenan is safe or not based on research done on animals. However, these studies used another form of the molecule that is not food grade – poligeenan. These are two separate compounds. In the study, the animals had the ingredient injected which is different than ingesting it. In a study using the original food grade molecule in its industrial concentrations, there were no health changes discovered in the tested monkeys.


Guar Gum


Guar gum or guar is a thickening and stabilizing powder derived from guar beans. Guar beans are natural plants that are grown primarily in India, Pakistan, and Australia.


Guaran is widely used in the food industry. It is the most frequently used ingredient in gluten-free recipes as it makes the dough of gluten-free grains stick. The foods that guar gums are used in are:


  • Gluten-free bakery
  • Dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cheese)
  • Condiments
  • Canned soups
  • Dry foods (oatmeal, dry soups, frozen foods)
  • Plant milks


Guar gum is derived from natural sources and is considered relatively safe unless the one consuming it has some rare form of food allergy. The only thing to consider is that it does absorb a lot of water from the intestines, so a sufficient water intake will take care of that.




Fecula is commonly referred to as ‘starch’ in the food industry. It is a polysaccharide produced by certain plants to store energy. It can be derived from any starch-containing food including potatoes, corn, lentils, beans, acorns, barley, oats, chestnuts, and wheat. It is a powder that has no taste or smell.


Starch has been used since ancient times for food. It is contained in most staple foods including bread, sauce, gravy, dessert fillings, and noodles. It is commonly used for baking of different products and when it is combined with water it improves the texture of various foods.


Too much consumption of starch-rich foods can lead to weight gain. In normal qualities, starch is a safe and natural food source.




Moderation in everything is key to a healthy lifestyle. These ingredients should cause you no concern, as they are derived from natural resources and are completely safe when eaten in reasonable qualities.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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