3 Fun Party Ideas for Families With Young Kids

If you have young children, finding ways to keep them entertained during the pandemic can be challenging. As their birthdays and other important life events draw nearer, you may be scrambling to figure out how to make their special days a blast when gatherings are not permitted. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to throw a fun party with your kids without violating any pandemic lockdown rules.

Have a Drive-By Birthday Party

Drive-by birthday parties allow your child to see their friends without breaking social distancing. All you have to do is send out the invitations, and your child’s friends and family will drive by your home in cars decked out in birthday decor. You can order a colorful sign from a lawn sign franchise to let everyone know it’s your kid’s special day, and don’t forget to decorate the front of your home. You can even make it a surprise party so your child is even more shocked and excited when they walk outside and see all their buddies driving by.

Watch a Movie

Watching a movie is a great way to celebrate your child’s birthday. Let them choose one of their favorites for the whole family to enjoy together. Watching movies is a great way to pass the time when you are stuck inside the house, so make use of this while staying home. You can even make a game of it by challenging your family members to find Easter eggs in the film and write them down. You can also set other criteria as you want, but this may be a good way to get it started. Everyone will enjoy this activity as long as you do it together. There is always time for this.

Hold a Baking Competition

What better way to celebrate than by holding a bake-off? Your party wouldn’t be the same without a couple of sweet treats, so find a few simple recipes you and your child can bake together. Teaching your child how to bake is a wonderful way to bond and pass on valuable life skills. You can make it even more fun and have a competition to see whose treats look and taste the best. Brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and birthday cupcakes are easy, simple desserts your young child will love to learn how to make.

Splurge on an Awesome Amenity

Has your child been begging you for a bouncy house? Maybe they’ve always dreamed of splashing around in a backyard pool or sailing down a slip ‘n slide. If you want to make your next party a blast for your kids, setting up a pool, a treehouse, a bubble machine, or something similar will keep them entertained for hours. Even if you have to rent and return it the next day, your child will never forget the memories they made. After being bored and cooped up in the house, they will love getting some exercise while bouncing, swimming, and running around.

While the pandemic has certainly changed the way we celebrate with our children, there are still plenty of fun, creative ways to give them unforgettable memories and show them they are special.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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