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3 Great Ways To Give Your Business More Exposure

Getting a small business up and running can be an exceedingly difficult task. You have to secure a lot of capital, find good employees, and manage a whole range of other factors. One of the toughest things for new entrepreneurs is gaining exposure for their new business. After all, you’re not going to have great profit margins if no one knows who you are! Here are three great ways of getting your name out there.

First of all, exploit social media. I’m sure you knew this was coming! Social media is an inexpensive and incredibly effective way of gaining exposure for your company. Just log onto your favourite network right now, and I’m sure you’ll see countless businesses running promotions. It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling products online or on a physical store, social media is your friend. Most of the world uses social media on a daily basis, and it’s a great place to get your business seen. Just make sure you’re using the right channels. Pretty much any business should be on Facebook. However, B2B companies are more suited to LinkedIn, and consumer ventures do better on Instagram. Whatever your strategy, make sure you’re using social media in some way.

Next, rent a booth at some local networking event. Local businesses instantly get more trust than obscure, far-off firms. Ideally, you’d want to sponsor the largest event in town, and have your name written up on some monstrous billboard. If your business is fairly new though, this probably isn’t all that practical! The next best thing is setting up a stall where people can come to find out about your business. After printing some leaflets and browsing a few marquee designs, you’ll have everything you need to set up. Just remember to choose the right forum here. If you make botanical drinks, then target a country show. If you’re an industrial supplier, go for business expos. Meeting the representative of a business is always more memorable than an advert!

Finally, get an interview somewhere out in the open. If you’re running a B2B company, this may be one of the best ways to gain exposure. Of course, not every business is worth a front-page article. However, there are dozens of niche blogs and publications around for you to use. Get into contact with some local business mags, and see if they’d be interested in doing a feature on your start-up. If you’re running some kind of outreach or charity event, then you may even be able to get a spot on a local radio station. My only warning here is to make sure you time this kind of exposure well. If you haven’t even started trading, you’re not going to generate much interest. Look for simpler ways to gain exposure for your business, and offer interviews once you’ve actually got something to talk about!

These three methods are absolutely brilliant for gaining exposure for your business. Getting your name out might feel hard right now. However, the more you do the more naturally it will come.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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