3 Health Cures You Never Knew Existed

Be honest with yourself for a moment: Are you where you want to be? When you look in the mirror, do you see the image of a successful and abundant person? If you’re like most of us, your reflection tells a story of sorrow, disappointment and hardship. But what if we could systematically change those areas of dissatisfaction? Many of the voices that lead the alternative health industry are spoken by those that have been in your exact same position. We often see fit and active people as the pinnacle of top-tier genetics, lifestyle habits and dietary choices — the reality is the total opposite! The same experts that garner millions of followers are the same people that have suffered with life-altering diseases and ailments during various periods in their lives.


Bad Breath Be Gone!

Ever had a moment where you catch a whiff of your own breath only to be shocked when the pungent smell slaps you across the face? Contrary to popular belief, foul-smelling breath can arise in even the most sanitary individuals that brush and floss their teeth multiple times per day. Odorous breath, also known as Halitosis within the medical field, is a deep-rooted problem that affects upwards of 40% of the global population. Although your problem may arise from poor oral habits you have developed over the years, some underlying culprits may be to blame.


The best way to treat your breath issue following a natural approach is through the supplementation of Zinc into your diet. Zinc is a powerful mineral that can be found naturally in the body which is largely responsible for cellular activity. Although this mineral has been used for years by athletes to recover from strenuous workouts, sciencenow shows us that it plays an integral part in regulating Volatile Sulfur.



People that deal with scarring, rather it be superficial or major, suffer tremendously with self-image issues and lack of confidence. New research into the psychology of patients that suffer with scarring has uncovered how much trauma and depression can be associated with these areas. In fact, the data revealed that both men and women almost suffer equally with body image and lack of confidence. Certain individuals, like Jordan Rubin, decided to give info a fair chance and looked into alternative treatment options for their scarring.


One such treatment is using large amounts of Shea Butter and Coconut Oil on the area in question. To understand why this treatment works, its best to understand how the body regenerates skin. Collagen is a protein produced organically within the body that serves a crucial role in the formation of skin cells. When adding Shea Butter and Coconut Oil, we give the skin much-needed hydration and influence our system to produce Collagen naturally. This will alleviate the scar tissue, reduce the redness and regulate the skin tone of the affected area.


Sweat the Pain Away — Literally

The biggest contributing factor to our problems is, without a doubt, the accumulation of stress and lethargy from performing our day-to-day tasks. With work constantly calling, friends and family that need our help and errands that won’t run themselves, it gets tiring. But what if there were a way to dramatically reduce the stress we experience and alleviate the risk of major health problems?


Saunas are the tool for getting our life back in control. Along with the relaxation properties associated with steaming our bodies and sweating out toxins, data now suggests regular sauna visits are a lifesaver. An article published by Reuters gave insight into a study conducted on an older group of people over a 15-year period. The findings show that participants who regularly visited the sauna (four to seven times per week) were significantly less likely to experience a major stroke. If you’ve been wanting to improve your health, get yourself into a sauna!

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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