3 Important Benefits of the At Home STD Test Kits

The cost of an STD Test Kits is usually under $50. They are a great deal for a small amount of peace of mind. You never know what might be lurking in the background, and it is nice to know you can test for any illness right in your own home without having to wait to see a doctor or take a pill. Sometimes, medical professionals do not always recognize if you have an STD, so home testing is your best choice.

Types Of STDs

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, genital warts and syphilis are some of the most common STDs. These diseases are easy to get tested for with a urine or blood sample. When you go to a medical professional to get tested for one of these medical problems you will most likely be asked to use a form that asks you to insert a special piece of equipment. This piece of equipment will give a medical professional a sample of your infected blood. In most cases you will get tested for all the STDs at one time.

STD Tests By Professional Medical Doctors

Many people are embarrassed to ask their doctors or medical professionals to test for STDs. The problem is that doctors do not always know about symptoms that can occur months or even years after an outbreak. Even with the new At Home STD Test Kits, the result of the tests are not 100% accurate. This is why it is important to go to a doctor when you think you might have an STD.

STD Kits Quick Results

At Home STD Test Kits come with a kit for rapid results, a test stick for results and a control/endorsed liquid vaginal sample collection stick. The user simply takes the proper amount of medication and inserts it into the vagina, waiting for the result. The quick and easy results are not covered by the insurance companies. They are however covered by private health plans and government programs.

Ordering STD Online

For those who have regular health care insurance coverage, rapid results test kits can be ordered online. There are two types of STD testing: sensitive and viral. For vaginal infections, a sensitive examination requires a sterile swab sample collection stick. For urethral infections, a urine collection stick is used. Viral infections are easy as the use of a dip, which allows rapid results and testing for the entire cycle of the disease, the first infection, the last, etc. You only need one sample for all three tests.

STD Does Not Cover All Tests

Some people may find that the STD kit they order doesn’t cover all the tests that they may need. For example, HPV infection may cause abnormal skin growths, hair loss, fever, headache, muscle or joint pain, etc. In these cases, you will need other diagnostic tests. It is a good idea to see a doctor if you have frequent headaches, muscle or joint pain, etc, even if you have had no recent exposure to the HPV virus. Some STD tests don’t require any clinical activity for results. Such tests include urinalysis, blood culture, enzyme immunoassays, etc.

Symptoms And Consulting With Doctor

Be aware of the symptoms so that you can promptly inform your physician of any changes in your sexual behavior or in the way your body reacts to sexual activity. Rapid results testing is better for catching conditions that tend to linger and are difficult to cure than testing for conditions that are fresh in symptoms. People often misdiagnose sexually transmitted diseases as yeast infections, jock itch, or urinary tract infections. Also, people often misdiagnose conditions that have similar symptoms to those of sexually active men or women.

Final Words

The greatest benefit of home test kits is that they avoid expensive office visits and laboratory tests that can be more expensive and inconvenient. However, when ordering an At Home STD Test Kit, make sure that the kit includes quick and rapid results testing. Read the instructions carefully so that the kit can be used correctly. When the results of the STD tests are available, immediately contact your health care provider. Remember to order the At Home STD Test Kit from a reputable source.


Rosie Bagley

Rosie Bagley has 5 years of experience in professional content writer. She write about technology, startups Love to write about travel,home decor,tech,health niche.

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