3 Meals that Your Kids will Love

Finding healthy food that your kids will love is a difficult process. You will spend hundreds at the grocery store attempting to find something delicious, yet healthy for your child. After all of this, he just spits it up or says he doesn’t like it. It doesn’t have to be this way; there are dozens of healthy options for food that your child will love. Below you will find three meals that your child will love.


Mac & Cheese


You probably already feed this to your child; however, if you want to give your children an extra treat, make it home-made.


All you need for homemade mac & cheese is fresh cheese, or velvetta; macaroni; and milk. If this doesn’t meet your definition of healthy, you can add some broccoli to the meal. It’s not going to change the taste of the mac & cheese very much, and it will give your child a little extra nutrition.


Another option is to combine mac & cheese, and other less-than-healthy dishes, with a supplement program. For example, Le-Vel Thrive is a 3 step program that provides the body with many nutrient, vitamins, and other natural ingredients. You won’t have to worry about whether or not your child is eating well-rounded meals when they are using a supplement program like this.


Another great way to add some extra nutrition to mac & cheese is by adding hamburger to the mix. Hamburger mac & cheese will be a hit with children of any ages.




Be prepared for quite the mess. We’ve all seen what it’s like when a child eats spaghetti: its a disaster. However, the reason they make such a mess is because they love the taste of spaghetti.


There are a variety of different recipes to make spaghetti. Some dishes are simply noodles and sauce, and some recipes simply add ground beef to the mix. Alternatively, you can pack in tomatoes, peppers, and onions into spaghetti. Some children may not like the spicy kick, but you will still be able to add the tomatoes into the meal.


A salad is a great side for spaghetti. The fresh, crunchy lettuce is a perfect contrast to the meaty, spaghetti. Spaghetti time is a great time to try to sneak salad into your child’s diet. Experiment with different salad dressings until your child finds one they enjoy.




Homemade pizza can be a great way to satisfy your children. Even if your children have different tastes in pizza, you can make a half for each child. You could even prepare several different pizzas at once, ensuring that the entire family has exactly what they want on their pizzas.


Pizza has a reputation as being unhealthy; however, when combined with healthy ingredients like olives, peppers, and onions, pizza can be a great way to sneak vegetables on your child’s plate.


Making pizzas can also be a family experience. You can teach your children to make pizzas, and you can even let them pick and decorate their own designs on their dough. Pizza isn’t just a healthy meal, it is also a family activity.


Combine your pizza with a healthy side, like a salad or pasta, to ensure your children get an even balance of nutrition.


Pizza can also be a good time to add a supplement to your child’s meal. Multivitamins are great, but more expensive, specialized supplement programs are preferable by many.




These three meals will surely satisfy your child. After all, children all over the world have been enjoying these meals for years. Stop worrying about making sure your children get the perfect combination of nutrients in each meal, and allow them to enjoy what they eat. There are products, like those mentioned above, that will help your children get everything they need to grow.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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