3 Practical Tips for Promoting Your Website on Social Media

These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t embraced some form of social media. Popular mainstays like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have provided millions of users with convenient vehicles through which to stay in touch with old friends, make new ones, and put their personal creativity on full display. In addition to helping people socialize on the web, the aforementioned sites also function as promotional outlets for an extensive assortment of websites and businesses. It’s easy to see why so many site owners have hopped aboard the social media bandwagon. Not only are social media sites effective tools for spreading the word, they’re also free to use – much to the delight of cost-conscious website owners. When drumming up attention for your website on social media, take the following pointers to heart.

  1. Be a Consistent Poster

If you want to retain the interest of your followers and attract new ones, it’s in your best interest to post consistently. Posting sporadically creates the impression of not being fully committed to your site’s growth and is liable to cause people to lose interest in your various accounts. However, this isn’t to say that you should post with wild abandon. Posting too often can come off as annoying and desperate and ultimately cause people to mute or unfollow you. With this in mind, make a point of posting no less than one and no more than four new updates per day. This will ensure that your site remains fresh in the minds of your followers without making them feel overwhelmed. You can also increase your exposure by posting during opportune times, like late morning and mid-afternoon. No matter how brilliant a post is, it’s essentially worthless if it isn’t seen, so if you want your updates to generate buzz, avoid posting late at night or early in the morning.

  1. Engage Your Followers

Interacting with your followers on a regular basis can make them feel personally invested in the success of your website and amenable to sharing your various posts. This entails responding to questions and comments left in response to your posts in a timely and professional manner. When interacting with your followers, it’s important to maintain an air of politeness, even when you’re not shown the same courtesy. Additionally, when dealing with people who thrive on being combative online, remember to keep your cool and abstain from stooping to their level. The last thing you want is to look petty or immature in front of your followers. Social media promotion also has the potential to attract hackers and other disreputable characters to your site. To prevent them from doing any harm, you’ll need to solid cyber security apparatus in place. If a cloud-based solution is what you’re after, check out a helpful SiteLock review or their social media profile for more information.

  1. Be Mindful of What You Post

If your goal is to engage people on social media, you should avoid wasting their time. A post that has nothing interesting or worthwhile to say is unlikely to generate substantial shares or likes. Additionally, if a sizable chunk of your posts is thoroughly disposable, mutes and unfollows are likely to follow. That being the case, you should make an effort to say something interesting and/or informative in every post, you author. This doesn’t mean you should spend hours mulling over each post, but posts that have genuine thought put into them tend to attract more attention than those that are typed off-the-cuff. Your social media updates should be a reflection of the site you wish to promote, and if your aim is to grow that site’s audience, your posts should be eye-catching, thought-provoking and designed to entice.

With tens of millions of users worldwide, social media’s influence on internet culture cannot be overstated. Thanks to these game-changing tools, staying in touch with friends, family members and professional colleagues have become easier than ever – as has connected with new people who share your interests. Popular social media outlets can also be used to promote a variety of products, businesses and websites. Anyone looking for a convenient alternative to traditional online promotion would be wise to step up their social media game.

Aisha Olson

I am a Blogger living in the Edmonton, AB area. I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in journalism and media studies.

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