3 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Play the Guitar

Are you a frustrated artist? Maybe you’re just looking for an enjoyable new past time. Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument but didn’t think you could. Now is the time for you to discover, once and for all, that you can do anything you set your mind to.

Playing Guitar Increases Your Dexterity

So you’ve always wanted to be a guitar slinger? Finding guitars for sale is the easy part. They’re everywhere. The guitar has long been one of the most popular and commonly available musical instruments in our Western culture. The trick is to learn to play one.
And it’s nowhere near as hard as you may think. It’s certainly no one’s idea of rocket science. Of course, there will be a very definite learning curve involved. Mastering the chord shapes and finger placements will be the trickiest bit. But as you go through the motions of mastery, you’ll find something very exciting is occurring.
This is the fact that you will be building mental and physical dexterity as a byproduct of your guitar pickin’ skills. You’ll certainly develop a firmer wrist as well as upper body strength, chiefly in your arms. And you’ll build up a fair level of stamina while you’re at it.

Playing Guitar Helps Build Concentration Skills

As you are improving your physical dexterity, you may also notice a marked increase in your concentration skills. This is due to a number of factors. Number one, playing the guitar will naturally involve a great deal of concentration. This is not a skill that can be mastered overnight. Evolving through practice will require intense focus.
And as you improve your level of focus, you will notice a second phenomenon taking shape. This will be an upgrade in your ability to concentrate not only on your manual picking skills but also the “feel” of the music you are playing. You will become naturally more attuned to the mood that you are generating through playing the guitar.
This new appreciation of mood can go a long way toward improving your ability to “read” emotions being expressed through other means. For example, an increase in your ability to perceive emotions through the medium of music may lead to an overall heightening of your empathic abilities with regard to other people around you.

Playing Guitar Can Help Build Social Skills

This leads us into the last major area in which you may expect to see an interesting increase in ability. Playing guitar has always been a way for shy, nerdy, and socially awkward people to “fit in” with the crowd.
And, of course, this has also traditionally translated to a higher level of popularity with members of the opposite sex. Even if you aren’t looking for an upgrade in your love life, you’ll find that playing a musical instrument will open up doors.
You may find yourself making a new friend just through a conversation about the guitar you are playing. Or you may indeed find yourself with a slew of new phone numbers in your pocket based on this new skill. Either way, playing the guitar does give you a better shot at increasing your level of social intrigue.

The Time to Get Pickin’ is Now

There are plenty of ways for you to increase your physical, mental, and social dexterity. But if you’re going to concentrate on these areas, why not choose an activity that builds all three at once? Playing the guitar is a great way to give yourself a boost in all of these realms and many more. The time to get pickin’ is now.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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