3 Things to Check Before You Put Your Summer Stuff Away

Summer is over, and the crisp, cool breezes of autumn and the snow and sleet of winter are well on their way. There are so many seasonal items and various pieces of equipment to pack up and put away, but you want to do it right. To ensure that you will be able to utilize all of your things next season, always check to make sure that:


Items and Equipment Are in Good Condition

Check every item to ensure that it is in good working condition before storing it away. You don’t want items to take valuable storage space if they can’t even be used again. This is also important because if they aren’t usable, you still have time to hit the end-of-summer sales and replace the article while they are on clearance. You will also be able to get repairs done cheaper in the off-season, so be sure to set aside anything that needs work and have it done over the fall and winter months for monumental savings. This is especially true of boats and larger recreational vehicles such as RVs and four-wheelers.


One part of maintenance that people often forget by the end of the season is leaks. If you have a vehicle or container that has a leak, it could be disastrous. While damage may be limited to some water getting into a damaged cooler, you might also find your storage unit covered in a layer of oil or filled with flammable gasoline fumes. Leaks can be fixed to prevent problems or you can simply drain whatever might have leaked out and save the repairs for another day.


Everything is Clean and Covered

Check all of your summer items and give everything a good scrubbing before storing. Some equipment that may take a bit of elbow grease include grills and fire pits. If you have a boat, make sure it is parked in a safe place and that it has been completely scrubbed down and covered with a quality boat cover or tarp from a store like Pontoon Stuff. Drain your lawn mower and other lawn equipment of gas before covering them with anything plastic or cloth.


Lawn furniture can be cleaned with a quality upholstery foam and the frames touched up with just a damp cloth. You may think that your lawn furniture can survive without a cover, but it’s always a gamble. Ice, snow, and wind can easily damage even resilient fabrics and weather wood. Even If you just use a simple tarp, covering your furniture can save them from the worst of the damage that could happen.


Moisture is Not An Issue

Water can be a real problem if any of the items you are storing are damp. Metal items will rust, plastic and fabric will mildew, and wood will rot. Be sure to check everything to make sure they are bone dry. Wipe down lawn equipment, gardening tools, and canopies with a dry cloth before storing away. If furniture cushion covers are removable, wash and then thoroughly dry them. Check your storage area to make sure it is weatherproof and that the doors and windows close completely. Keep everything elevated off of the floor in case of flooding.


As is evident, the proper storage of items does take some attention, but these small steps will ensure that you will have everything you need and in great shape for the next summer season.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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