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3 Ways To Get the Most Out Of Your Gym Sessions

We’re not sure whether there are fewer hours in the day or more stuff to try and cram in, or whether we are working longer hours, or what, but time seems to just be escaping people. Life just seems to be about how effective you can be with your time in order to get all the stuff you need to get done, done.

The gym is no different. Why would you want to spend 90 minutes in the gym when you can get the same – if not better – results in half an hour. That may sound like a pipedream, but it is, in fact, possible. It is just a matter of knowing how.

Eat Really Well Before You Work out

OMG! Snacking and getting leaner; that has to be music to everyone’s ears.It’s not a myth either. Your body is like an engine in that it needs fuel to operate, and the better the fuel the better. So start enjoying a pre-workout snack. This could be chomping on a few chocolate-flavoured protein bars that you snapped up with a Protein World discount code, or it could be a mega healthy homemade treat you made, say a melon stuffed with yogurt and muesli. The choice is yours, but the ideal combination is to mix protein and simple carbs; something that will give you a burst of energy but not feel heavy in your belly.

Do Something You Love

This made sound obvious, but the gym can start to feel like a chore after about one session. So get motivated to get fit by doing something that you enjoy. This will see you put more energy into it and thus achieve the desired goal faster. It could be that you are insane and like spinning classes. It could be that you want to start with yoga before you hit the mat and pump out some crunches. Why not do that dance class you walked past the other day, the one that promised to burn 500 calories in thirty minutes, the one where everyone was smiling.

Train With A Friend

Okay, so you run the risk of just gossiping the whole time, which is so far from ideal and will actually see you spend more time in the gym. However, if you can be disciplined for half an hour, you’ll find it works a treat. You will motivate each other. You will laugh together. You could even split the cost of a personal trainer, which would see someone help you get the most out of each session, and that is the endgame, right? Less money forked out on a professional service, a shared experience, the chance to see your best friend that little bit more and a better body. You can then go and grab a coffee with your bestie afterward and gossip all you want there. Everyone’s a winner. In fact, why not include your entire squad. Most personal trainers will offer a group discount, and this can become a weekly thing you all do, one with real benefits. Now there’s a good idea.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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