3 Ways to Make Your Brand More Recognizable

Logos and Branding

When it comes to the secrets of long-lasting brands, there are many that facilitate perpetual success. One of them revolves around awareness and recognition. For instance, consider the innumerable logos that people see on a daily basis. Some of them are built strategically and buyers’ retain them in their minds longer. Others, however, lack the necessary color smoothness which makes them harder to recall. After all, every color is associated with a certain emotion. Blue, per se, offers the idea of stability, honesty, and trust. Red, on the other hand, is an excitement-based color that draws attention. Thus, brand colors are eligible to make a difference between unrecognized companies and those with high customer retention rates.


Considering the Disabled

Color blindness currently affects 1 in every 12 males and 1 in every 200 females in the world. Given those rates, it is obvious that almost every targeted market or interest group will carry certain individuals who perceive colors differently. Furthermore, some of them may not even be able to fully recognize the colors. This is where all companies must analyze their audience. Once they obtain a thorough understanding of the area that they are trying to reach, they can use resources to craft the optimal logo. Luckily, the experts have already created countless platforms where one can get educated on how to showcase colors to those who may be colorblind and still enable them to differentiate shades.


New Logos

In case of brands that are portraying themselves through new logos, there must be a certain degree of congruence. Meaning, the colors should naturally flow from one another and act as a necessary piece of the puzzle. Congruent colors can even improve the perceived intensity of specific foods. The same concept applies to brands that are differentiating themselves in markets where competition levels are high. When trying to overcome the barriers to entry, the new brand in question must be able to attract buyers. Well, given that a logo is usually the first touching point one has with a new brand, it is important that the potential buyers remember it. A logo with colors that are smoothly placed will ignite the customers’ interest and bring them closer to making a purchasing decision. If there is a clear lack of color congruence, however, the results could be very negative for the brand. For instance, if the selected shades are completely opposite and they do not seem to align well, the viewer will be repelled. Once that happens, the odds of them becoming long-term buyers are immediately minimized.


Color Selection

Ultimately, nothing is more important than properly selecting colors. Although it may sound rather simple, it can turn into a long and convoluted process. This is because every brand should select colors based on multiple factors. For example, one must first look at the industry of operation. If the brand is doing business in the ecological sector, choosing a certain shade of green would be understandable. Similarly, companies that offer security services, per se, may decide to go with a safety-based color such as blue. Once the initial industry-related concerns are addressed, the brands must take a look at their competitors. This step assures them that their color schemes will not interfere with other sellers in the market. Failing to conduct this analysis could even lead to copyright liability claims. In the end, brainstorming is an unavoidable process when it comes to designing successful brands.


Efficient Transition

When a brand is raising awareness about their operations, the entire process must go smoothly. In translation, all stages should be completed simultaneously. For example, a new logo should be launched at the same time that a new website is built. Doing so helps maximize the efficiency and increase awareness by presenting the brand in a professional manner.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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