3 Ways To Reach Your Customers With Text Messages

World over and across industries, mobile marketing and text messaging have been affirmed as practical communication tools. Messaging services through short message services (SMS)or app-based have edged out emails and phones as the most popular means to private communication.


The ease of relaying text messages to clients and other business stakeholders justifies its wide embrace. Moreover, text messages provide personalized alerts, expressive content, and timely alerts to deals or coupons.


If you would like to upscale your communication strategy and reach your customers more effectively via text messages, consider the following ways.

Get a Professional Bulk Messaging Outfit

Text messaging has proved fruitful is due to the extensive ownership of smartphones. In the USA, smartphone ownership is at 68%. The text messages app is the most popular (97% of phone owners use text messages), while social networks come second with a popularity of 47%. 


Given the potential of reaching a broader customer base, you should consider hiring the services of a professional bulk messaging app or company. With an automated phone system, these companies or apps offer a mass texting messaging service devoid of spam, as is the case with text-em-all.com, which attracts impressive response rates.


The templates of the text message are customized with details like clients’ names or appointment dates. With the text-em-all.com services, you can quickly reach a large group of contacts ranging from 5 to 5,000.


If any online or offline replies, the system notifies you giving you the chance to respond timely. Besides, mass texting service affords you extra-exciting features. From picture messages to notifications and auto-opt-outs, you stand to offer your customers a befitting and responsive experience.

Make Text Messages Your Premium Customer Support Means

Across states, 68% of consumers prefer mobile texting to get in touch with the company for billing and pricing concerns. As such, if you receive your text messages through mobile phones or a website, it is imperative to assign professional customer support executives to respond to such texts in time.


Effective customer service through messaging is convenient as you can receive orders and details of payment vouchers without customers having to visit your store physically. Text messages can be used as records for future references.

Use Text Messages to Notify Your Customers about Hot Deals

When you plan to start a product or service promotion campaign, mass texting alerts through SMS is the ideal way to go. What is even more fascinating is that services offered text-em-all.com allow you to add images to the text messages implying that customers will have a chance to get a picture of what you are promoting.


It also allows you to get notifications of opt-outs, replies, deliveries and fails so that you may know which market segment to target in the next round of your campaign.


Using text messages to reach your customers for limited-time promotions is also incredibly convenient. Instead of texting the voluminous details of your promotion or limited-time offers, you may opt to text them the landing page URL. By clicking on the URL, they get the deeper elements of the deal.

Use Text Messages For Polls and Surveys

We live in the contemporary business environment where data is the driver for market growth. Using text messages has proved an effective way of conducting your business poll or surveys. 


Given the likely faster and larger response rates, market surveys through text messages will help you improve your products or services from the customers’ feedback and perceptions as captured by the poll replies. Messaging polls is convenient as customers can express themselves irrespective of location, time and does not require an internet connection.


Conclusively, while text messaging is a popular communication tool, you should understand a few dynamics around the subject matter: group messaging and mass texting. The former involves relaying the message to at least three individuals. 


Both messages and replies are not private as the group members can see them. If you have 15 recipients, you will be charged at the current rate per SMS. On the other hand, mass texting involves texting sending text messages to many recipients through an SMS aggregator or companies that offer bulk messaging services like Text-em-all.com. With mass texting services, charges are relatively lower owing to the large bulks of messages.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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