4 Alternatives to Smoking Old School Cigarettes & Why They are Healthier for You

There is a lot of pressure to stop smoking today. It is an established fact that cigarette smoking is not only harmful to our bodies, but very addictive. Measures to reduce smoking include high taxes on tobacco products or smoking bans at many locations. Smoking, however, can be relaxing and enjoyable. It’s not easy to resist the urge. If you’re trying to quit cigarettes, here are four alternatives you might consider.

1. Chew Gum

Nicotine gum contains usually 2 or 4 milligrams of nicotine per piece. Two milligrams is about equivalent to the nicotine in one cigarette. It’s intended as a healthier alternative to smoking by supplying the “nicotine fix” without the harmful tar and carcinogens of tobacco. This appeared first as a prescription-only medication in 1978 and is now an over-the-counter product to help reduce cigarette consumption. Nicotine gum has helped many people reduce the urges connected to smoking addiction.

2. Filter with Water

These can be either personal devices or hookahs that include hoses for several smokers. The tobacco is often a blend with herbals or uses molasses for flavoring. Passing the smoke through fresh water removes up to 90 percent of the contaminant particles. This helps to relieve lung irritation. Depending on the blend, this may also alleviate some of tobacco’s harmful effects, but not all. Another drawback is that the smoother experience can encourage you to smoke more, not less.

3. Vape Solution

Vaping, or e-cigarette devices, have become increasingly popular. They use a glycerin and water-based e-liquid that’s vaporized by current from a small battery as you inhale. E-liquids can be tailored for your personal experience by adding flavors or even different levels of nicotine. Vaping devices, such as those from The Vape Mall, can be highly customized. The output consists only of e-liquid vapor. It contains none of the harmful substances found in tobacco One UK study concluded that e-cigs were 95 percent less risky than tobacco.

4. Inhale Nicotine

Nicotine inhalers work similarly to vaping, but without any actual ignition. The liquid used contains nicotine and flavorings, contained in cartridges in the form of an aerosol spray. The liquid is released in response to the pressure change of inhaling. Replacement cartridges are only a little over $1 each. While also a healthier alternative, inhalers don’t provide the DIY experience that’s intriguing to vapers.

A Word of Caution

Quitting any addiction (such as cigarettes) can be very difficult. It is something that you shouldn’t go at alone. Consider going to support groups and keeping your doctor in the loop on your progress. As well, it might be best to not see the above tips as a permanent solution. See them as a step away from a habit that is very destructive to your health, but not something that you should be leaning on for the rest of your live. They could be used as transitional steps or something that you should use occasionally and not as another opportunity to cater to your addiction. Of course, you can use them to ease your way out of using cigarettes, but once you have that under control, the above methods should be used leisurely.

Smokers get addicted to nicotine, not tobacco. Technology like vaping allows you to be in control of your experience with none of tobacco’s consequences.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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