4 Amazing Benefits of Underfloor Heating

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As more people learn of underfloor heating, they are starting to consider it over traditional central and conventional radiator heating systems. It is no surprise, therefore, that adding underfloor heating has become a popular home improvement project in the UK. Although there is some work that needs to be done to have the heating system installed, it does pay for itself over time in addition to increasing your home’s value. If you have not installed underfloor heating before or have been thinking about it but have not gone ahead, here are some amazing benefits to convince you.

Low Maintenance Needs and Costs
A major reason why underfloor heating has become so popular is because it rarely requires maintenance unless something goes very wrong. This is true for both water bases and electric underfloor heating. The only thing to be aware of is that if you choose a water-fed underfloor heating system, you have to ensure it is certified and meets the required standards. Most of the systems in the market meet these standards and this is why it is typical for the companies behind them to offer 25-year guarantees.

Can Be Used on Most Floor Surfaces
Most people have only experienced underfloor heating in expensive hotel bathrooms and so there is a common misconception that underfloor heating can only be installed on solid floors, specifically tile floors. This is not true because underfloor heating technology has come so far that the heating systems can be installed on almost any floor surface, as long as you choose the right system.

The correct heating system can work on tile, vinyl, carpet, engineered wood, laminate, and other types of floors. One caveat is that because these systems rely on the floor retaining the heat, solid surfaces work better than laying a carpet on top of the underfloor heating mats.

Flexibility and Better Control
For most homes, there are rooms that are in constant use while others are used for only a few hours. Also, the people who use different rooms might have different temperature needs. It would be great to have better control of the temperature in each of these rooms in addition to being able to cater to the different needs of the home’s occupants.

Underfloor heating systems allow for thermostats to be installed in a way that allows each room to have a dedicated thermostat. This not only makes each room more comfortable; it also allows you to save money by allowing you to keep the temperature low or to even turn off the underfloor heating in specific rooms. Those in need of granular control of the temperature of different systems and rooms can purchase thermostat and underfloor heating temperature control systems through online retailers like Powerpointelectrics.co.uk. They stock digital, Wi-Fi and manual thermostats as well as temperature control systems so you can have better control of your heating.

Superior Performance
Underfloor heating offers superior performance compared to traditional radiator systems. This is because underfloor heating relies on the floor retaining heat to keep the house warm even when the system is turned off. Heating systems that use radiators cool down quickly once they are turned off, meaning heat dissipates and makes the house get colder faster.

Most other heating systems rely on convection to spread heat around a room. This means it is possible for some areas of the house to be warmer or colder than others. You do not have this problem with underfloor heating because the heating is consistent across the room by virtue of the whole floor being warmed at once.

If you are yet to consider underfloor heating for your home, the benefits above should help you decide if you would like to install it during the next home remodel project. Perhaps the most important benefits are overall comfort, energy efficiency and better control of your home’s heating.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.