4 Cooking Ingredient Trends That Are Becoming More Popular

The practices in cooking and cuisine are changing, and new trends are on the rise with time. The introduction of many global cooking practices around the world and the interest towards exotic food practices have made some ingredients increasingly popular. Most of these ingredients are increasingly preferred over others for cooking because of their health perks. Here are some of the ingredients that you might consider trying in your cooking if you have not done so yet.


Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is derived from the coconut plants that grow in equatorial areas. In countries where coconuts grow, coconut oil is used in big quantities. Despite the high amounts of saturated fats in it, the people there have no heart problems as a result. Coconut oil has very different types of fatty acids inside. The way they are chained makes the oil highly resistant to oxidizing at high temperatures. This is why it is the perfect oil for frying and cooking at high temperatures without losing its health properties.


The difference between refined and unrefined coconut oil determines whether you will derive the maximum effect of the oil. Unrefined coconut oil is also known as virgin coconut oil. It is highly nutritious, all of its elements have been preserved since it is cold pressed, and is usually of very high quality. The lack of refinement and heat assumes that the oil has to be prepared from the highest quality of fresh coconut meat. The only downside of this oil is that it is more expensive than other oils and the refined version of the coconut oil.


Coconut oil is delicious, helps one lose weight, satisfies hunger, and protects cardiovascular health.




Turmeric is a spice with a bright and yellow color that colors sunnily the dish it is added to. It has been used in the Indian cuisine for thousands of years for its medicinal and taste-enhancing properties.


The traditional medical system of Ayurveda reveres it for its health properties. The curcumin found in turmeric has an antiseptic effect and has compounds inside that fight cancer cells.


When cooking, the turmeric powder is sauteed in oil and other vegetables in order to derive the maximum benefits from it.


Tapioca Flour


With the increase of gluten allergies amongst people, more gluten-free options are gaining popularity. One of the best alternatives to regular flour is tapioca flour. The tapioca flour is derived from the roots of the cassava plant. The flour is used as a thickening agent for a lot of recipes that would usually require regular flour. It is gluten-free with a low calory count and no sugar.


Recipes which require adhesion to the compounds without the gluten can benefit from tapioca flour. These can be puddings, jello, soups, sauces, mouses, and pastry. It thickens the ingredients in recipes and has no specific taste or color.




Asafoetida is a spice commonly used in India. It is best prepared with legumes and vegetables. When it is cooked, it tastes very similar to garlic and onion. The spice is not expensive and can be used in small quantities to give the dish a unique taste. When uncooked it has an unpleasant sulfuric smell to it which disappears when it is cooked.


This spice has many health benefits besides a great taste. It relieves asthma, lowers blood pressure, relieves irritable bowels, reduces flatulence, and controls blood sugar levels.


All these ingredients have shown great results in many health food regimens. As the modern world is discovering these ingredients, more people are adding them to their recipes. Several recipes with these ingredients inside can be found online or in modern health cookbooks and you can benefit by trying out some of those dishes.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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