4 Doors in Your Home You Definitely Need Quality Locks For

Your home’s door locks are probably at the back of your mind until the worst happens, but don’t wait until it’s too late. Whether you’re preventing intruders or keeping your little ones out of hazardous areas, a set of solid locks is essential for home safety. If you can’t afford to replace all your locks at once, prioritize these four doors that definitely need quality locks.

Exterior Doors

The number one door in your home that needs a quality lock is your exterior door. If you recently moved into a new home or had roommates move out, it’s time to change your locks to prevent unwanted guests from accessing your home. Exterior doors should always have both a regular lock and a deadbolt. For an extra security measure, you can also add a chain lock to exterior doors so you can see and speak to visitors without completely unlocking the door.


You might think that your bathroom lock’s number one job is to keep others from intruding on your private time, but a good bathroom lock also needs to be unlockable from the outside for safety. It’s important to have quick access in case a child gets locked inside or someone has a fall or medical emergency. Qualified locksmiths can assess your bathroom doors and install locks that strike the perfect balance between privacy and safety.

Utility Room

The utility room is where you keep all your hazardous chemicals like sanitizing solutions, bleach and drain cleaner. Even seemingly harmless household items like laundry detergent can pose a danger to pets and small children. Keep your family safe by installing a quality lock on your utility room door and placing it high up so little hands can’t reach it. By keeping this room secure, you create a safe place to store cleaning supplies, pesticides, and even fireproof safes isolated from the rest of your home.


Another part of your home that’s full of hazards is the garage. Young children can become trapped in the car or mistakenly turn it on while playing around, and small pets often climb into engine compartments and wheel wells. Common lawn and garden equipment like weed killer, shears and lawnmower blades also pose significant dangers. Make sure your interior garage door has child safety locks as well as a solid deadbolt to deter intruders. As garages are so commonly broken into by intruders, it’s important to have locks for both leading into the garage and leading from the garage to the house.

Are you tired of keeping up with all those keys? Consider choosing smart lock technology. Smart locks allow you to lock and unlock your doors with your smart phone, tablet or computer. They prevent costly lockouts and provide an extra measure of security. You can install smart locks on interior, exterior and garage doors. If that isn’t an option for you, consider making several copies of each key to be kept on several key rings to make sure that you have access to your whole home without fear of losing a vital set.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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