4 Major Home Renovations to Better Personalize Your Home

A person’s home or rental is their own personal castle. How you decorate or design your home can say a lot about who you are personally. People generally take on home renovation projects to boost the aesthetics of their homes and even improve functionality. You can, however, embark on a project to personalize your home. A living space you can identify with. Here are a few personalization ideas you can consider for your next remodeling project.

Painting Your Home

Painting the entire house is no small feat. You need to carefully consider every aspect of this project before commencing. Different people identify with different types of colors. This means a color that is beautiful in another person’s home may not be appealing to you. By repainting your walls to your desired color, you will be effectively personalizing your home to fit your individual taste in colors. You can extend this from the common areas like the living room, kitchen and bathroom to the other rooms within the house. The color you choose will also have a large impact on the décor you use for the individual rooms.

Wall Repositioning

This is definitely a major project that may involve bringing in a plumber or electrician in case their power lines or pipes are running through the wall. Wall repositioning is an extensive project that may involve removing trim moldings, plaster, drywall, and even the framing. However, this project can help to open up your home’s interior, especially if you are big on open spaces. An example is if you are looking for an open plan kitchen, you can decide to knock down some walls to achieve your goal. Wall repositioning helps bring out a roomier feel to your home’s interior. Repositioning your walls will play a major role in determining your furniture arrangement to bring out the personal touch you are looking for.

Work on the Exterior

When it comes to the exterior of your home, there are a lot of renovations you can do, starting with the landscaping to tarmacking your driveway. The exterior of your home gives your neighbors a first impression of who you are. When working on this project, you need to think of something that resonates with your personality. Let it be something you walk in to, and your face lights up.

Kitchen Remodeling

Kitchen remodeling is one of the most talked-about home projects when it comes to renovations. You can decide to update your kitchen to mirror some of the latest designs, or you can go with something that is appealing to you without taking away the kitchen’s functionality. You can start by adjusting the lighting system, updating the flooring, installing new shelves, and even bring in a fresh pot of paint. If you have enough space, you can add a nice touch with a kitchen island.

Personalizing your home means bring out your personality. Your entire home should be a safe space, an escape resort where you can go to relax. Do this by making it as personal as you can. Whether that means changing up the layout, personalizing the kitchen, or taking a hard look at the interior as a whole, you have a lot of options for personalizing your home.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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