4 of the Biggest Challenges Your Solar Panels Will Face and How to Overcome Them

Climate change is currently a significant problem on a global scale. It poses severe threats to Earth’s ecosystems and biodiversity. As a result, scientists have developed innovative ways to mitigate the effects of climate change. One of the most common solutions for the global problem is shifting from fossil fuel usage to renewable energy.

One type of renewable energy that is more accessible to homeowners than others is solar energy. Maximum utilization of renewable energy reduces the effects significantly. Therefore, making societies sustainable while improving the environment is attainable. Being part of this change will give you a sense of fulfillment.

By embracing solar energy, you help make the world more habitable and healthy for all of its inhabitants. Besides the environmental benefits that come with solar panels, there are numerous other benefits you might notice. For example, your energy and electricity bills will reduce significantly. 

While solar panel systems don’t require much attention, they will require some minimal maintenance from time to time. Following are four of the major challenges facing solar panels and solutions you can use to overcome them.


Your rooftop solar panels can’t produce usable energy if parts of them are shaded during peak daylight hours. If the sun can’t reach the photovoltaic array, solar cells can’t make and harness the power, meaning your system can’t produce any electricity.

One of the solutions for the problem is installing micro-inverters. The devices make your solar panels more effective even where there are shade problems. Another solution is to trim any trees that might be blocking sunlight from your solar panels.

Solar Panel Orientation

The placement of your solar panels is as important as the type you choose. The sun’s rays must hit the surfaces perpendicularly for your panels to produce maximum energy. Ensuring the right tilt and direction will enable exposure to the highest sunlight intensity for the greatest period.

Modern solar panels follow the sun using solar tracking systems to boost energy production. In the northern hemisphere, ensure your solar panels face the south for maximum electricity production.

Accumulation of Dust and Debris

With time, dust and debris accumulate on the surface of your solar panels and cause major problems. You may also notice debris covering your roof and panels after a storm. This of course blocks light from hitting the panels properly, keeping them from converting it into electricity. Additionally, debris that is not removed could damage the panels. If you notice debris on your solar panels, you can clean them or contact a professional cleaner to take care of them.

Internal Solar Panel Corrosion

Your arrays are constantly exposed to external elements, and they can degrade with time. If that happens, they become less efficient. Corrosion is the most common cause of degradation in panels. If your panels aren’t producing as much electricity as they were and there is nothing stopping direct sunlight exposure, contact a solar repair professional for advice.

There are numerous benefits of using solar panels for both homeowners and the environment. Like other devices, they can become faulty due to harsh conditions. The tips above will help you to solve some of the most common challenges you might face.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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