4 of the Biggest Trends of Ecommerce in 2017

Do You Have Millennials in Your Workplace? Don’t Miss These 4 Trends of Ecommerce in 2017 to Keep Them Happy and Productive


If your office is anything like most in the United States, then it is full of Millennial workers. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Millennials make up the largest workforce to date.


That brings up an interesting challenge to supervisors and colleagues who are not part of this younger generation. Millennials engage with work in a different way than older workers and are motivated in different ways. If you’re a manager of Millennial workers, then you’ll need to develop a new way of communicating and supporting this young, energetic workforce.


Here’s how:


#1: Make Sure Your E-Commerce and Other Digital Platforms Are Top-Notch

What we know about Millennials is that they are tech-savvy and ready to revolutionize the web. They’ve grown up on digital platforms — so if you don’t have super-fast Internet, a user-friendly website and the tools to help them do their jobs, such as a streamlined digital business platform and other tech interfaces, then you aren’t going to keep them interested for very long. Make sure you give them the top tools they need to feel like they are making a difference at your company.


#2: Interact with Them as Unique People

What we know about business trends in 2017 is that interacting with customers online has to be a unique experience. That’s why you are seeing the uptick of dynamic shopping experiences in e-commerce that serves up products a customer might want to buy. You can apply this same trend to interacting with your Millennial workforce. They want to be seen as unique people who have something of value to offer. They want to you to interact with them in real-time and to deliver what they want. The more you can both interact with them in this way — and give them the tools to interact with your customers in this way — the better.


#3: Put the Brand First

Millennials do not want to interact with a non-descript company. They care about brands. And, if you care about your brand — then you’ll make sure you are putting forth an e-commerce marketing plan that plays up the brand and not necessarily the product or service. Treat your Millennial workforce like a brand as well. In your employee handbook and in employee training, make sure you label them with a catchy name. Brand them, and they’ll feel invested in the company and believe they matter to your company. It will make them work harder on your behalf and probably will generate a more creative flow.


#4: Check In With Them Regularly

What we know about e-commerce is that customers are impressed when you know what they like and can begin predicting what they’ll buy next. It provides an extra level of care and interest that you can’t get anywhere else. Well guess what? Millennials want to feel that you care, too. So, make sure you are giving them regular check-ins where you get to ask questions and you give them an opportunity to express themselves. They love feedback, and they want to know how to improve — but they want to hear from you as their coach and not necessarily as their boss. The more you know them, the better you can predict — much like e-commerce, rental agencies, or any other type of business — how they will act and what they will do for your company in the future.

Are You Ready to Engage with YOUR Millennial Workers?


Now is the time to engage your Millennial workforce before you lose them! Use these trends in e-commerce to engage them and understand them better for the future of your company. There is a seamless connection between the trends of 2017 and the way your Millennial workforce will respond to you!

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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