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4 People You Need to Call If You’re Ever in Trouble with the Law

Being charged with a crime and getting in trouble with the law can be a very stressful and scary experience. If you are charged with a crime, there are several things that you can do to help you get out and ensure that your life stays on track. There are four people that you should contact in particular if you do find yourself in trouble with the law.

Legal Defense

If you are in trouble with the law, the first person that you should call is your lawyer. Your lawyer should be able to immediately meet you at the local police department or prison where you are being held. It is important to avoid speaking to anyone with law enforcement until your lawyer has arrived. Your lawyer will help to ensure that your rights are properly met and that you are able to start preparing your defense.

Bail Bondsman

When you are in trouble with the law, another person that you will need to contact is a bail bondsman, like those at Absolute Bail Bonds. If you have been arrested, in most situations you will be able to post bail and get out of prison. Unfortunately, they can often be set at a very high price. A bail bondsman will be able to post the majority of the bail price for you. While they will charge a fee, this can help you get out of prison until your court date.

Family Member or Friend

When you are in trouble with the law, it is also very important that you reach out to a close family member or friend. After you have been arrested, there will be a lot of things in your personal life that will have to be put on hold until you are able to get back out. But close family member or friend will be able to carefully share your travel information with the necessary people and ensure that anything in your personal life that can be taken care of is accounted for.


The fourth person to contact if you have been arrested is your employer. If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, you could be held in jail for a period of time until your trial or until you are able to post bail. In this time period, you may not be able to get out to go to work. If you are unable to contact your employer, the employer will likely think that you are simply skipping work and it could put your job in even more jeopardy. If you are not able to get ahold of your employer, then you should have a relative attempt to do so.

If you’re concerned that your employer may jump to conclusions and assume the worst in you, that is completely understandable. Just remember, though, that you are innocent until proven guilty. Be honest with your boss and try to keep your head up.

If you are charged with a crime and find yourself in trouble with the law, it is important to do everything you can do to keep your life on track. If you are charged with a crime, there are four particular people that you should contact immediately. These people will help you get out of jail, defend your case, and keep your life moving in the right direction.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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