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4 Pro Tips to Master Property Valuation

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Property valuation is crucial to a great many things such as real estate financing, conducting investment analysis, insurance and taxation requisites. For many, the most useful application of real estate assessment is the asked or purchase price. The details below would introduce some basic concepts and techniques of property evaluation especially when it comes down to sales.

The Basics

The present worth of real estate and future benefits of ownership is a primary consideration with appraisal. Unlike most consumer-based products, the benefits of real estate are for long-term therefore estimation must undertake various aspects such as economy, social trends, ecology, government controls and legal regulations. Four elements crucial to real estate value are;

  1. Demand – the need or desire of ownership backed by financial stability
  2. Utility – the knack to fulfil needs and requisites of future owners
  3. Scarcity – finite supply of competitive properties or supply don’t meet demand
  4. Transferability – the ease of transferring ownership rights

Cost & Price vs Value

Cost not necessarily equals value as it refers to actual expenditures for instance labour and materials (raw and finished). Price on the contrary is the amount that is payable for something. Both cost and price lay a certain impact on value but they aren’t primary determinants. For instance, sales cost of a house may be $200,000 but present value can either be significantly higher or lower. In case a new owner detects a serious flaw in a property like a deteriorating foundation, it’ll reduce overall price and so on.

Market Value

Appraisal refers to an estimate or opinion relevant to value of a real estate unit of that particular date. Appraisal reports are used by government agencies, corporations, investors, individuals and mortgage lenders in taking critical decisions over property transactions. Aim is to determine the most probable cost property can bring to stall the open market competition.

Market price is at which the property actually sells and mightn’t always coincide with the market value. If, for instance a seller is facing tough competition due to threat of foreclosure or, if property is being sold in a private transaction, price can be lower than the market value.

Appraisal techniques

Systematic collection of data is responsible for appraisal’s accuracy. This specific data cover details regarding the real estate unit in focus and its general information like region, city, neighbourhood, location and all. A brief description of appraisal approaches is given below;

  1. The sales-comparison approach

It’s commonly used in assessment of single-family homes and land. Also referred to as market-data approach, it’s a value estimate derived by comparison of a property to the recently sold units bearing identical characteristics which are;

  • Must’ve been sold within last year in competitive and open market
  • Sold under typical market conditions
  • Be as similar as possible to a subjected property in built, design, number of rooms (if residential) and many other features.
  1. The cost-approach

Property valuation for the buildings or units that have been recently improved is estimated by the cost approach method. It takes into account separate approximations for building and the land with depreciation cost as well. These estimates are summed together to gauge value of entire property that has been refurnished outright.

The tactic also assume that potential buyer won’t pay more than the actual cost of buying a comparable lot and carry on construction that’s identical in almost every way. Cost-approach method is preferred when property being evaluated isn’t frequently sold and not an income-producing unit. Some example can be of religious institutions, schools, government buildings and hospitals.

  1. The income-capitalisation approach

Third is the income approach for evaluation based on relativity of rate of return (required by investor) and net income (produced by a property). It’s used to gauge value of income-generating properties like corporate buildings, shopping arcades and apartment complexes.


I’d like to give a bit credit to jlt offices for sale department of Banke for such insightful tips on property valuation. In the end, Appraisals are generally conducted by industry veterans but anyone involve in the transaction can benefit.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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