4 Problems in Your House That Could Be Triggering Your Child’s Asthma

Rates of asthma are higher today than in the past, and the rates are only continuing to rise. While you want your home to be a safe space for your child, there are many things there that could trigger a child’s asthma. However, four things around your house are especially common issues.

Mold and Mildew

You may not realize it, but mold and mildew could be growing behind your walls or under your carpet. If you have ever had a plumbing leak or a flood, mold and mildew have likely gotten a foothold in your home.

Clean the bathroom and kitchen with asthma-friendly products that kill mold, and use a dehumidifier in your home. If you suspect you have a serious mold problem, you’ll need to call in a professional.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are notorious for triggering respiratory problems, including asthma attacks. Carpets and upholstery are where dust mites are most likely to live in your home. Replacing the carpets with easy to clean tile or laminate is a good first step. Also, replace any heavy drapery with shutters or blinds, especially in your child’s room. Finally, place your child’s mattress and pillow in a dust mite proof cover. Vacuuming your home often is also a good way to keep dust mites under control.

Home Heating and Cooling System

Your home heating and cooling system can help keep your child’s asthma under control. Regularly changing the filters will help keep the air in your home free of pollen, dust mites, and other irritants that could trigger your child’s asthma.

Installing UV lights into your HVAC system will also sterilize the air and kill mold, mildew, and bacteria. While this technology isn’t cheap, UV lights used in conjunction with your home’s heating and cooling system is ideal for households with an asthmatic child.

Also, schedule regular HVAC service, to ensure your home’s HVAC system is running smoothly. While it’s being serviced, be sure to ask your technician about adding UV lighting.


Roach droppings, body parts, and saliva can trigger asthma. If you have a roach infestation, your child’s asthma is not the only reason to get it under control; cockroaches can spread all sorts of diseases, including salmonella, giardia, listeriosis, and much more.

Ridding your home of cockroaches can take some time, even if you hire a professional pest control company. In the meantime, do not leave any food or dirty dishes out. Store everything in tightly sealed plastic containers and keep your kitchen very clean.

Tackling these four common problems is the first step to ease your child’s asthma. You should also make sure that you are cleaning your home thoroughly and regularly. Keep your home as free of dust and pests as possible, and regularly change out your HVAC filter. As many harsh chemical household cleaners can also trigger asthma attacks, use milder cleaners or consider making your own with more natural products. You can find many effective recipes for household cleaners online.  A clean environment and clean air can go a long way to improving your child’s overall health.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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