4 Reasons You Don’t Need a Reason to Dress How You Want To

If you often second guess yourself about potential outfits for the day, don’t feel weird or embarrassed, because you’re not alone. Plenty of people don’t dress how they want because they’re worried about what others will think. You may find yourself wondering if you’ll look out of place or if people will question why you’re dressed a certain way. But it’s perfectly fine to wear whatever you want. Here are four of the biggest reasons why.


Dress Codes Are a Thing of the Past

Reason number one for why you should feel free to diversify your outfits is simply because you can. In decades past, if you were going to work, you would need to follow a strict dress code. Just think back to how men always used to wear suits and ties to work. Nowadays, a suit and tie are rare in all but the most conservative industries.


Since you probably have many opportunities to wear what you want, you should take advantage. Consider this your chance to express yourself with what you wear, instead of being limited to what other people consider normal or appropriate.


You Can Consider Yourself a Trendsetter

Think about some of your style icons and what they would wear. You’ll likely find that they weren’t afraid to do something different. They didn’t just follow the crowd or stick to whatever was in fashion at the time.


This isn’t to say that you should always aim to do something completely different with how you dress. That would get taxing, and it’s unrealistic for most people to wear groundbreaking new outfits every day. But when you focus your fashion choices on what you want, you can look at yourself as someone who does their own thing and isn’t scared of branching out or deviating from the norm.


All Kinds of Styles Are “In”

Because of the flexibility the modern world allows us in terms of what we wear, we’re seeing types of clothes from across all eras that are considered stylish. Take men’s jeans as an example. In the 80s, the fitted look was king. The 90s saw the emergence of very loose, baggy jeans, and after 2000, skinny fit jeans became the latest trend. Although slim fit and skinny fit jeans are now the most popular choices, looser jeans are also becoming popular again.


It’s the same with women’s clothing, as a wide range of different items are considered “in.” Bohemian-style dresses are perfect for the popular boho-chic look, but everything from tomboy clothing to very feminine dresses are also popular.


You’ll Feel More Confident and Have More Fun

Perhaps the biggest benefit of dressing how you want is that it will make you feel like yourself and you’ll get the most enjoyment out of it. If you ever went to a school with a dress code, you probably remember how frustrating it was to have someone require you to dress a certain way. Why subject yourself to that now?


When you develop your own style and demonstrate it through what you wear, you feel authentic. And there’s nothing like having people notice what you’re wearing and compliment you on your outfit. By wearing what you like, you’ll feel a deeper connection with your fashion choices, and that will make you much more confident.


Depending on where you work, you may need to follow certain requirements as far as professional dress is concerned. But other than that, you should feel free to wear whatever you’d like, because your clothes should make you happy.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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