4 Signs Your Family is Ready for Change & How to Go About Getting It

After enduring a long day at work or school, home is the place that most people really look forward to. Knowing this, it’s so important to create an environment that fosters a sense of warmth, belonging and happiness. In many cases, things can go awry within the family. When things head south, it’s time to reevaluate and refocus on the issues and how to solve them. Consider these four signs that your family is ready for a change.

New Family Member

Whether you’re adopting a child, giving birth to a new baby or inviting a grandparent to move in, a new family member in the midst can make things a little crowded. If your home is already spacious and can handle the vast amount of people, then this works well. However, if you’re in a position where things seem and feel a little cramped, it’s probably best to move into a bigger home—even if it is just for a local move and not long distance. Just remember that you don’t have to do it all on your own and that you can enlist the help of a service, like House to Home Moving. Because you’re probably focused on your family during this time, it might be best to also ask your family and close friends to step in and help with things that you may need to have done—like packing, babysitting your other children, etc.

Dull and Sluggish Attitudes

If everyone seems to be stuck in a rut and a little cranky at home, it might be time to redecorate or remodel. Redecorating does so much to breathe new life into a space. Start by changing the paint on the walls. Use curtains that invite lots of natural light into the home. Place indoor plants all around the home. These key elements for a bright and airy home will naturally lift the moods of your family members and switch things up in a positive way. In the process, however, just make sure to take into everyone’s opinions, tastes and other such considerations. If everyone feels like they have their own place in the home, then everything will be much more peaceful.

Isolation & Bad Behavior

If you notice that your children are struggling with poor behavior at school and at home, it’s wise to handle this type of challenge with one-on-one attention. In many cases, this could be your child’s own way of crying out for help. There are times when a child is facing personal challenges as they grow up, yet they don’t know how to handle them. If this sounds like your child, schedule in more family time. Go on special dates to concerts, museums and restaurants. When your child realizes they’re not alone in their struggle, they’re more likely to open up and deal with their frustrations in a healthy way.

Family Trauma

When a family experiences trauma, it can be really hard to rebound. Certain steps need to be put in place so that restoration can occur. In many cases, this might involve the help of a counselor. Having a third party participant that’s totally neutral can be really helpful in solving underlying issues.

The one thing that’s constant in the world is change. All living things must grow and all growing things must change. If you’d like for your family to become better, considers the implementation of a few change strategies to really shift things for the better.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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