4 Signs Your Family Would Be a Perfect Fit for the NYC Lifestyle

More than 8.53 million people live in New York City. The city is the most populated city in the United States. More and more people are moving there every day and not just from other states in the country. The city is well-known for its diversity, and that’s because it is a hot spot for immigrants from every corner of the world. If diversity and urban lifestyle are what you’re seeking, then NYC just might be the perfect fit. If you are considering doing so, here are some points you may want to think to if it’s the right place for your family.

Value Diversity

If you want to raise your children where they are introduced to people from many different cultures, then New York City may be the perfect place for your family. Over 36 percent of New York City’s population was born in a different country. In fact, you can hear over 800 languages spoken in the city regularly—which is a great environment to be in if you want your children raised bilingual and/or with a global mindset.

The city is home to many top-notch ethnic festivals including the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese New Year Festival, Pakistan Day Festival and many more. Not only will your family get to enjoy world cultures without leaving home, they will encounter them at work and at school as well. Through this type of exposure, they will come to respect others for their differing beliefs and cultures.

Enjoy Bustling Energy

New York City has an energy that never stops because there is always something fun to do. Sports fans in your family can enjoy watching the nine major sports teams compete. You can find almost every food available in the city regardless of the hour of the day. People seem to run down the streets instead of walk. It is easy to get around the city because even the bus system runs 24 hours a day. You will definitely want to consider single family homes for sale when you make the move so that you have a place to unwind.

Love Convenience

If you are used to driving three miles to your child’s school, and then another three miles to the drug store before driving six miles to your favorite restaurant, then you will not believe how conveniently everything is located in New York City. Many people can easily walk to work within blocks of where they live. They can also often be at their child’s school in minutes. The drug store, the grocery store and other necessities in life are often located within easy walking distance. You may find that you do not need a car anymore when your family moves to New York City.

Embrace Varied Interests

Regardless of what your family enjoys doing in their spare time, there is a place to do it in New York City. You can take knitting classes, baking classes and pottery-making classes. There are many opportunities to participate in recreational sports leagues. The city is home to more than 80 museums. Many nonprofits provide you and your family with opportunities to give back to society.

There are many reasons that you and your family will enjoy living in New York City. Consider these ideas and your own thoughts before packing up and moving to the Big Apple.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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